Divine Child System

Chapter 1366: One hook and one shot, so terrifying

"What are you doing in a daze? Do it? You can't fight if you don't have the spirit soldiers?"

Seeing Tiga Ultraman and others, they are already pressing forward, but everyone in the Li family is still dumbfounded, and several demon masters suddenly burst into anger.

"Oh oh oh!"

After being drunk by the powerful demon, these Li family children reacted.

The next moment, they huffed and dispersed. Instead, they surrounded Dijia and other puppets, as well as Ye Meng, Rongma, and Bald Weak.

At this moment, a hook struck a Li family's child like lightning.

That Li family kid, who could have expected a flying hook to appear, was immediately hooked in front of Zhong Kui.

Zhong Kui slammed the hammer, and the Li family's child immediately felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole person was completely dizzy!

Immediately afterwards, Diga Altman let out a hiccup, crossed his hands, and a dazzling white light shot out from his arm!


Bai Guang hit the Li family's child without any suspense, and then exploded with a bang!


When everyone around saw this, they all took a breath!

Even the powerful magic sects were shocked, and there was a look of jealousy in their eyes.

The ugly eyes of this salty egg, the white light emitted, can threaten them.

"U, that ugly monster, you dare to kill my cousin, I'm fighting with you!"

Another Li family kid roared wildly and flew towards Ultraman Tiga.

The person who had just died was his cousin, and the relationship between the two was extremely close.

Watching his own cousin, died unexpectedly, how could this Li family's child bear it?

But his figure just got out, and another rocket flew from nowhere!

With a long flame, the rocket hit this person and flew him into the air. Then, it burst fiercely!


After the explosion sounded, it caused a violent wave of air and spread instantly.

The Li family children all around dodged in a panic.

Those few magic sect powerhouses also carried spiritual energy to resist this violent air wave.

"These few people, ghosts and ghosts, are really weird. Let's go together, don't be broken by them!"

A strong magician, after resisting the impact of the air wave, he shouted in a deep voice.

The voice fell, and the rest of the Li family's children immediately displayed their master skills and attacked Diga Ultraman and others.

Now, here is the main battlefield, the battle between Li Longyang and the man in black, but no one is paying attention!

Such a change, naturally, can not escape the eyes of Li Rulong in the listening rain building.

"Go and see, what happened?"

He turned his head and said to a dead Li family.

Immediately, his face became solemn again.

"Li Qiufeng, Li Qiufeng, I didn't expect your ambitions to be so big, you tried to overthrow my direct line, and replaced it, the old man really looked away!"

Li Rulong had always appreciated Li Qiufeng before.

He made an exception and promoted him from among the collateral children, and became the young master Qiufeng who was not inferior to his direct descendants.

But who thought, this Li Qiufeng stabbed him so viciously, which made Li Rulong angry, and his heart was completely hurt!

While he was thinking, the dead Li family hurried back to the room.

"Patriarch, there seems to be someone outside and the rebels are getting together!"

"Oh? There is such a thing? Could it be the reinforcement of the second brother?"

When Li Rulong heard the words, his heart was shaken, and the next moment, he strode towards the outside of Tingyu Building.

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