Divine Child System

Chapter 1371: The people of the magic door are not reliable

"Ancestor, forgive me, from now on, Qiufeng is willing to surrender to my ancestors, do whatever he wants!"

Just when Ye Meng's words sounded, Li Qiufeng had already whizzed and jumped in front of Ye Meng.

Immediately, he knelt down hurriedly.

It wasn't that he was persuading him, but the Ye Family was too terrifying, and no one in the entire Ten Thousand Realms would not be afraid.

Not to mention the ancestors of the Ye family!

Seeing Li Qiufeng kneeling on the ground and kowtow again and again, the giant panda, who had planned to do it, suddenly became puzzled.

It glanced at Ye Meng in wonder, and seemed to say, do you want to take this guy?

Ye Meng didn't expect that this Li Qiufeng would directly admit it, even kneeling in public.

He scratched his head and motioned to the panda to stop doing it for now.

Immediately, Caizui said milkily towards Li Qiufeng.

"What do you want to do with the autumn wind?"

"Old ancestor, Qiu Feng is blind. I don't know how rude the ancestor is when he arrives. It is really a crime to try to inflict on the land of the ancestor!"

Li Qiufeng repeatedly knocked on his head and whined.

It seemed that he had a pitiful appearance.

The Li family's children and the magic sect powerhouses around had long been dumbfounded on the spot, and the wind was messy!

The Ming Master they swear to follow is such a counselor?

If this is the case, such people are not worthy of them to follow!

And they didn't believe that the kid in front of them was the ancestor of the Ye family.

"Sect Master, don't want to be deceived by others!"

"That's right, sect master, there is no six or seven-year-old ancestor in the world? You have always been brilliant, how can you believe this?"

"The master of yours, let me wait very disappointed!"

"If the sect master insists on going his own way, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

The Li family didn't react much, but the magic sect masters couldn't hold back all of them!

They either bitterly persuaded or threatened Li Qiufeng.

After all, these people are all from the demon sect, and they are very rebellious. How can they surrender to Li Qiufeng so easily?

Previously, they felt that Li Qiufeng could win the benefits for them, and he was also a child of the Li family, so they willingly followed Li Qiufeng.

But now, Li Qiufeng bowed his knees to Ye Meng this time, which really disappointed them to the extreme.

"It seems that your people are not too convinced of you, what use does that baby want you to?"

Seeing this, Ye Meng curled his lips and said with milk.

If this Li Qiufeng could really take the magic door and deliberately take refuge in him, Ye Meng wouldn't be unable to consider it.

But looking at the current situation, I am afraid that as soon as Ye Meng accepted Li Qiufeng, these magic sect powerhouses will immediately turn back!

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether or not to accept Li Qiufeng!


Li Qiufeng was dumbfounded when he heard this.

In fact, he didn't expect that those powerful magicians would embarrass him in public.

You know, after killing the original rudder master Shao Tianhua, these magic gate powerhouses supported him very much.

So that he gave birth to an illusion that he is the protagonist of the destiny.

It now appears that although he is cunning and good at calculating, he is still far behind the old foxes of the magic door.

Just as Li Qiufeng gaped his tongue, Ye Meng had already ordered the giant panda.

"Take him!"

In the slogan agreed upon by Ye Meng and the giant panda, Panhe means that the giant panda can kill.

Therefore, the giant panda uttered a cheer after hearing it.

Immediately, the bulging body shot out instantly!

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