Divine Child System

Chapter 1374: Eating and eating, a new talent

A pavilion about one foot high and a few feet square was gnawed clean by Ye Meng and the giant panda in just a few minutes, with no scum left.

Next, the two foodies, still unsatisfied, began to harm the surrounding pavilions, flowers and trees.

Li Rulong started to tremble when he could see it. He didn't feel distressed about these things, but was so frightening.

Seeing that Ye Meng and the giant panda are like bulldozers, wherever they go, no matter what exists in that place, they will be razed to the ground in the next moment.

This razed to the ground was not a powerful martial artist who used violence to forcibly destroy it, but was eaten by these two foodies.

In such a horrible scene, how can he not let Li Rulong see his scalp numb and his hands and feet cold?

Even Li Rufeng, who had always been calm, couldn't help shivering after seeing Ye Meng and the giant panda in twos and threes, eating a towering old tree with its branches and leaves.

It's so terrible!

How can there be such an edible guy in this world?

Not one yet, two came!

God knows how their belly grows, it feels like a bottomless pit.

As for the Li family's children, their faces are as earthy as they were scared, and the whole person feels like a dream.

"Old Tie, come here, there is something delicious here!"

With the companion Ye Meng, now he is eating and becoming happier. He pointed to a corridor not far in front, and said milky voice.

The giant panda who was gnawing on a green plant by the side, after hearing it, immediately swallowed the green plant in a couple of mouthfuls.

Immediately, she ran towards the promenade like Sa Yazi.

"Gosh! This is the Nine Music Corridor!"

When Li Rulong saw this, he had the desire to die!

Knowing that the ancestor and the old iron are so edible, he would never agree to such a condition!

"The Jiuqu Corridor is gone, and this Country Garden is completely destroyed!"

Li Rufeng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But even so, what can we do?

You know, if it wasn't for Ye Meng and the giant panda, I am afraid that the Li family brothers would have been reunited in the underworld now, how could they stand here unscathed?

"Eat, eat, it’s good if you are full!"

Li Rulong sighed, and tried his best not to look at Ye Meng and the giant panda.

He felt that if he watched any more, he would vomit blood and die.

Not being angry, but scared!

The Jiuqu Corridor is a long corridor spanning between Country Garden and Xiangzhu Garden.

The promenade is built on a large lake dug out by hand, and it can be regarded as a unique attraction in the Li Family Manor.

However, now this unique attraction is about to enter the belly of Ye Meng and the giant panda.


The powerful giant panda and Ye Meng each hugged a pillar on the promenade, and with a light pull, they uprooted the pillar!

The next moment, this person and beast madly hugged the pillar and gnawed.

"Oh my God!"

Brothers Li Rulong and Li Rufeng exclaimed together!

Is this too exaggerated?

You know, the buildings of the Li Family Manor are not the ordinary buildings in the world. Each building has a special formation.

Ordinary Wuxiu, let alone pull out the pillar like Ye Meng and the giant panda, I am afraid they can't even shake the pillar slightly!

In the shocked look of the Li family brothers, Ye Meng took a bite and bit down towards the pillar.

Immediately, a pleasant electronic sound rang suddenly in Ye Meng's ear!

"Ding! The host has swallowed up to one million items, activating a new talent-scientific research baby!"

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