Divine Child System

Chapter 1407: In the early days, disputes will arise

Early the next morning, the Queen Mother took Ye Meng to the Lingxiao Palace.

The day before, the Jade Emperor discussed with the immortals about the Heavenly Court Water Army, but because of the sudden appearance of Ye Meng, the final matter was not discussed, so it was nothing.

Therefore, the Jade Emperor, who did not reign early all the year round, had to reappear in the Lingxiao Hall.

He had just sat on the dragon chair, and before he could announce the beginning of the morning, he heard the voice of Ling Xianguan suddenly rang in his ears.

"The Queen Mother is here!"


Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor instantly raised his head.

The next moment, he saw the Queen Mother holding Ye Meng's little hand, walking slowly and dignifiedly into the Lingxiao Hall.

"I have seen the empress!"

Seeing this, the immortals bowed to the queen mother.

Compared with the Jade Emperor, these immortals still have more respect for the Queen Mother.

For nothing else, every time the Queen Mother's flat peach banquet, they can inherit a lot of favor from their hearts.

"All the Qings are flat!"

The Queen Mother waved her hand slightly, her words and deeds were indescribably graceful and luxurious.

But the Jade Emperor saw a hint of an intriguing abnormality from it.

The queen mother, who never paid attention to the early dynasty, came to the Palace of the High Heavens for the first time.

"Could that **** plan to fight for the position of marshal of the navy? Even if she wins the position of navy, how can anyone with a confidant be able to take on this important task? Is it for this little beast? Hahaha!"

The Jade Emperor thought to himself that at the end, he had already sneered.

After the Queen Mother sat on her own phoenix seat herself, she hugged Ye Meng in her arms. During the whole process, she didn't even look at the Jade Emperor.

Upon seeing this, the Jade Emperor couldn't stop a trace of anger in his heart.

"Bitch, dare to humiliate me in public, after I regain power, you must be beautiful!"

Although Ye Meng was just a little kid, she was also a boy after all. As a magnificent queen, the queen mother actually hugged Ye Meng in public.

This clearly humiliates the Jade Emperor!

When the gods around saw it, they bowed their heads and turned their heads, Quandang didn't see it.

To offend the Queen Mother for the Jade Emperor?

Wouldn't they do it stupidly? If you offend the Queen Mother, do you still want to participate in the Flat Peach Club in the future?

"If something goes out of work, play early, if nothing happens, roll back the curtain!"

At this time, the ceremonial officer's promise sounded.

However, this is the opening remark of each early morning, and no one will really take this sentence to heart.

Next, an immortal official stepped forward and bowed.

"My Majesty, the Marine Marshal Tianpeng has been demoted to the mortal world because he violated the precepts. If the River Marine Army has no commander today, please make arrangements early!"

As soon as he said this, the gods looked at him one after another.

But seeing that this person was an immortal official under Taibai Jinxing, all the gods immediately sneered secretly.

"This Jade Emperor, really does not forget the Tianhe Squadron! It's a pity, this time I can't make you wishful!"

After the Heavenly Court set up the Tianhe Water Army, the Jade Emperor took advantage of the fact that the Sanjiao and Shimen did not react, so he appointed the Canopy as the Water Army marshal.

The little-known Tianpeng suddenly became the marshal of the 80,000 Tianhe naval forces. The gods who belonged to the Sanjiao and Shimen did not take it seriously.

But who would think that this person, Tianpeng, is quite capable, and in just a short time, he can fully receive the heart of 80,000 Tianhe naval forces.

So when Sanjiao and Shimen reacted, it was too late.

The Eighty Thousand Tianhe River Army was under the control of the Jade Emperor.

Later, he finally used the Pantao Banquet to design the canopy and made him drunk, and then accidentally broke into the Chang'e Palace, angered the Jade Emperor, and was demoted.

But now, the Jade Emperor actually wants to get involved in the Tianhe Navy again?

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