Divine Child System

Chapter 1412: The origin of the Tianhe navy

"Brother, elder sister takes you to Tianhe, and the gang of Tianhe naval forces are unruly and unruly. They only obey Tianpeng alone. If you go alone, your sister is afraid they will bully you!"

Immediately after leaving the Lingxiao Hall, Ye Meng couldn't wait to go to Tianhe, and the Queen Mother said with some worry when she saw this.

In her arrangement, at least Ye Meng should be equipped with a few powerful immortal officials to take the place of Ye Mengzhen town.

Otherwise, how could a little kid like Ye Meng be able to control the unruly Qiubai of the Tianhe Navy?

"Miss sister, no need, this baby can handle them with one hand!"

Ye Meng curled his lips when he heard the words, and said with milk.

What kind of Tianhe navy, as long as his baby Ye Meng is out, is there anything he can do?

After speaking, he turned and waved his hand without waiting for the Queen Mother to react.

"Miss Sister, my baby is going!"

When the sound fell, Ye Meng squeaked out, driving the Hot Wheels, and then jumped out.

Upon seeing this, the Queen Mother shook her head helplessly, and then burst into laughter.

This child seems to be a troublemaker who is not afraid of the sky or the earth.

I don't know, what kind of sparks this troublemaker will spark when he encounters those unreasonable Qiu Ba?

Regarding this, the Queen Mother could not help but secretly look forward to it.


But it was said that Ye Meng drove the Hot Wheels all the way to Tianhe.

Before long, a starry sky appeared in front of him.

The so-called Tianhe is actually the Milky Way.

According to legend, the Milky Way was portrayed by the Queen Mother in order to separate the Seven Fairies from Dong Yong.

But here, the origin of the Milky Way is not so.

This Milky Way already existed before the Heavenly Court was first established, but at the time, the Heavenly Court did not pay much attention to the Milky Way.

I don't know how many years later, in the originally peaceful Milky Way, there appeared a group of birdmen with wings on their backs and a halo on their heads.

This group of birdmen, extremely fierce, has taken the Milky Way since they appeared in the Milky Way.

Moreover, from time to time, they looted the fairy official residences around the Milky Way.

When such a creature appeared, and the immortal official was harmed, Heavenly Court would naturally not let it go.

Immediately, the Jade Emperor and the gods discussed the establishment of the Tianhe navy.

After the establishment of the 80,000 Tianhe Water Army, the Jade Emperor took the lead and canonized the little-known Tianpeng as a marshal.

After the canopy took office, he lived up to the expectations of the Jade Emperor and defeated the birdmen steadily, with countless casualties.

Just when this group of birdmen was about to be calmed down, the Heavenly Court suddenly happened the Monkey King, Monkey King, who made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace.

This incident shocked the Three Realms, and even the canopy and the Tianhe naval forces who were in charge of the crusade against Birdman were affected.

After receiving the Jade Emperor's order, they reluctantly gave up the opportunity to kill the bird people all at once and returned to the teacher of Heavenly Court King Qin.

What happened after that was that the canopy was demoted and the navy was headless, so that the bird people made a comeback.

Therefore, Ye Meng's responsibility now is not only to conquer the navy gang, but also to repel and even annihilate the birds of unknown origin.

"A heavy naval force, come to a halt!"

Just when Ye Meng approached the navy camp, the two guards roared fiercely.

Although these two camp soldiers are just the bottom pawns, they have accumulated a fierce spirit because of their years of fighting with the bird people, and they look very impressive.

"Tsk tusk, this Tianhe Squadron Camp is so majestic!"

Ye Meng ignored the two soldiers, looked at the navy camp, and exclaimed.

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