Divine Child System

Chapter 1425: You have to draft some bragging stuff

"Niangniang, are you mistaken? Guan is not a **** of wealth!"

When Guan Yu heard this, he was extremely puzzled. He was obviously the most powerful warrior in the Kingdom of Kings. How could he become the **** of wealth?

The Queen Mother was stunned when she heard this.

This Guan Yu actually denied that he was the God of Wealth? What exactly is going on?

The three of Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, and Huang Zhong on the side were even more confused.

However, fortunately, the Queen Mother did not continue to struggle with this matter.

After exchanging greetings with the four of Zhao Yun and patrolling the navy camp, Shi Shiran drove back to Yaochi Wonderland.

However, when she saw the **** of wealth Guan Yu again on the way back, and watched the excitement among the crowd, she couldn't stop having an absurd idea.

"Could there be two Guan Yu in the world?"

In fact, as the Queen Mother guessed, Guan Yu summoned by Ye Meng and Guan Yu, the God of Wealth, were two different characters.

Although their experience is almost the same.

However, with Ye Meng's method, maybe one day there will be three Guan Yu and four Guan Yu in the Heavenly Court, it may not be impossible.


The Queen Mother's trip in Heavenly Court was still slowly fermenting, but Ye Meng had already returned to the Five Elements Mountain.

After a few simple instructions with the demon king like the mountain tiger spirit, he returned to the ten thousand realms again.

After so long delay in the heavenly court, in the ten thousand realms, it was only a short hour or so.

At this moment, Lai Xinwen and the four have also discussed with Shen Hongye a plan to promote KFC.

However, Ye Meng didn't have much interest in this.

This KFC was originally a product of his whim, and now his interest has shifted to Heavenly Court. Naturally, he doesn't like KFC or something!

The four Lai Xinwen and Shen Hongye felt helpless. They finally discussed the plan, but Ye Meng was short of interest.

This made them feel like feelings are all in vain.

"By the way, Lao Shen, Ben Bao is in the Heavenly Court, and he has created a little industry. Someday, Ben Bao will take you around!"

At this time, Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and started talking for herself.

The four Lai Xinwen couldn't keep up with Ye Meng's absent-minded thinking, and they were all stunned for a while!

Where is all this?

What kind of heaven, what kind of industry? After you run for an hour, you have created an industry? How come this kid's words are so unreliable?

However, Shen Hongye didn't think so, he asked with a flattering smile.

"Little brother, what are you talking about?"

"Eighty thousand heavenly navy soldiers, this baby is now the navy marshal of heavenly court, and he is about to recruit troops and overthrow the Jade Emperor Lao Er!"

Ye Meng said with a milky voice while grinding her little tiger teeth.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was dumbfounded.

"Eight...Eighty thousand navy? Marine marshal? Old Jade Emperor?"

Shen Hongye and Lai Xinwen stammered.

This is too exaggerated. Even if you brag, do you have to draft some drafts?

In other words, in this world, where is there any heaven, where is there any Jade Emperor? Are these things all myths and legends?

Moreover, it is said that it was created hard by man. As early as a long time ago, the ten thousand realms didn't even have the word god.

So, for a time, how could the four of Lai Xinwen believe Ye Meng's words.

Even Ye Meng’s number one fan, Shen Hongye, couldn’t tell whether Ye Meng’s words were true or not.

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