Divine Child System

Chapter 1494: Old Shen, shoot

"It's the Buddha!"

Liuli Buddha and others agreed upon hearing this.

Immediately, they rushed towards Ye Meng.

"I want to bully the less by more, have you ever asked my grandson?"

Faced with Burning Lantern, Monkey King may still be a little afraid, but Liuli Buddha is not afraid of such shimen cannon fodder!

The Queen Mother and Nine Heavens Profound Girl also stood up!

The two of them blocked the Eighteen Arhats.

The Eighteen Arhats were naturally not the opponents of the Queen Mother and the Xuanyu, and the two easily suppressed each other.

At this time, the Queen Mother saw that Monkey King was already fighting with Liuli Buddha, and she couldn't help but remind her.

"Monkey Sun, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Although the Liuli Buddha is at the bottom among the buddhas of Shimen, he is also a Buddha after all, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Three thousand monks had already surrounded Ye Meng.

Bhikkhus who usually look kind and good-looking, but at this time they seem to be the incarnation of Shura, their faces are fierce and terrifying!

"Old Shen, shoot!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and shouted with milk.

These little guys, he didn't bother to do it.

When the voice fell, Shen Hongye immediately responded.

Immediately, he and Lai Xinwen four commanded the little demons!

boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, the sound of artillery fire sounded, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the sky broke!

Poor Shamen Bhikkhus, before they could get close to Ye Meng, there was fierce artillery fire!


Seeing the power of the artillery fire again, the three gods of the Three Sects were watching the development of the situation with cold eyes in the void, and they all took a breath.

"Horrible gunfire!"

"Hehehe, those bald donkeys who don't want to be banished, this time it's difficult!"

"It's good to blow them up. These bald donkeys took advantage of the fire and robbed them during the Conferred God War. Lao Tzu has long been displeased!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the people who released the door will have today, and they will play well!"

Many gods looked happily and danced.

Especially the original Jiejiao sect person, with a look of joy, pointing at the three thousand bhikkhus who died and wounded countless, with a gloating expression.

No way, who told Jiejiao and Shimen to forge a deep hatred in the battle of the gods.

Even if it was the interpretation and teaching of the Alliance with the Shamen, after seeing the true face of the Shamen, the people who were anxious for the Shamen were out of luck.

"Boom to death, all to death!"

Ye Meng grinds the little tiger's teeth, and after a milk command, he no longer pays attention to the monks.

He turned around and continued to release renju bombs toward the burning lamp.


Upon seeing this, the Taoist man screamed inwardly.

Although his physical body has long been King Kong not bad, how long can he persist in the face of so many innate spirit treasure attacks that are not inferior to Dinghai God Zhu?

The Jade Emperor and Haotian looked at each other.

Then, the two quietly stepped aside and wanted to abscond.

"Where to run!"

Although Ye Meng was attacking the burning lamp, he never let the Jade Emperor go.

When he saw that the Jade Emperor wanted to escape, he immediately drank a milk.

The next moment, he waved his small hand, and a golden light flashed.

The Jade Emperor couldn't even react before he was bound by the dragon rope!

Originally, with the strength of the Jade Emperor, Bound Dragonsuo might not be able to win him.

But at this moment he was panicking himself, in a daze, naturally he couldn't escape the blow of the dragon rope.

"Cut, so weak, how good this baby thought it was!"

Seeing that the Jade Emperor was caught all of a sudden, Ye Meng curled his lips, showing a look of contempt on his small face.

Upon hearing the words, the Jade Emperor spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

You little kid, if I wasn't absent-minded, how could you be caught?

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