Divine Child System

Chapter 1500: One hammer knocked the burning lamp to death

"so horrible!"

The hearts of the immortals were all chilling.

At this moment, a stern cry, suddenly sounded.

"Woo, little ancestor, Ben... I was wrong, please let me go, I will light a lamp and be a cow and a horse for you..."

But it was the Taoist Taoist who regretted it to the extreme, and could no longer restrain it, and roared in tears.

After hearing the words, all the immortals sipped lightly.

"Shameless old thief!"

The reputation of Randeng was completely stinking as early as the Conferred God War!

Therefore, the hearts of the immortals naturally did not have any favors with the notorious Taoist.

Especially the immortals who were born in Jiedao, seeing the appearance of the Taoist Burning Lamp, it was even more refreshing.

"Let your old thief do a lot of evil, you deserve to end up like this!"

But the Taoist Burning Lantern didn't even notice it.

He shyly asked Ye Meng for mercy.

"Little ancestor, I will never dare to go anymore. If you let me go east, I will never dare to go west. If you let me walk the dog, I will never dare to chase the chicken!"

After such shameless words sounded, even the bhikkhus and arhats remaining in the Shimen shook their heads secretly.

Burning lantern, old man, so shameless!

"Great Sage, you must not be deceived by this old thief. He is the most insidious person, and he can't believe a word of him!"

A fairy stood up and said in a deep voice.

After speaking, he looked at Ye Meng anxiously.

"who are you?"

Ye Meng gave the fairy a curious look.

After hearing this, the fairy bowed quickly.

"Little fairy Zhao Gongming!"

"Ah, you are Zhao Gongming, this baby knows you!"

Ye Meng's eyes lit up when he heard that it was Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming, he was an extremely powerful big Luo Jinxian under Tongtianmen.

He fell behind in the Battle of Conferred God and was named the God of Wealth.

Today, he holds the position of God of Wealth in Heavenly Court Martial Arts.

"What you said makes sense!"

Ye Meng nodded and said something to Zhao Gongming.

Immediately, with a move of his wrist, Lei Gong's hammer suddenly appeared in his hand.

In the next moment, he had already swung his hammer and smashed the Taoist priest!

Upon seeing this, the horrified Taoist flew away.

Although he has trained a golden body, the hammer in the little devil's hand is so special that even the golden hoop can be knocked into powder.

His golden body is amazing, can it be as hard as a golden hoop?

"Little ancestor, stay under his..."

Ye Meng's Thunder Hammer had not hesitated before the words of love had been exported!

Just the moment when Thunder Hammer was about to hit the Taoist priest!

In the void, suddenly there was another Buddhist sound.

"Dare the thief!"

After the Buddha sounded, the colorful brilliance shone!

The brilliance of five colors of blue, yellow, red, black and white, illuminating the entire void, is extremely bright!

"Mille, Kong Xuan!"

Seeing this, all the immortals exclaimed in unison!

But Ye Meng didn't pay any attention to it, and with a bang, he knocked Lei Gong down!


Thunder sound instantly exploded!

The most cunning old fritters in the Conferred Gods battle, now the ancient Buddha with a superb position in Shimen, turned into a pile of fly ash, and disappeared into the world!


All the immortals, monsters, Jade Emperor and so on present, all took a breath!

The ancient Buddha with dignified lighting was dead!

"Little thief, kill my ancient Buddha, hateful!"

In the Buddha's voice, a strong murderous intent suddenly broke out!

The next moment, a chubby Buddha appeared in front of everyone!

Behind him, stood a man wearing a white robe with a handsome face and looking extremely aloof!

That man was exactly the disciple of the Jiao Jiao, and now the King of Peacock-Kong Xuan!

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