Divine Child System

Chapter 1502: Slightly, this baby won't tell you

After Ye Meng's milky voice fell, five colors of light suddenly burst from behind!

The next moment, Maitreya's cloth bag, brushed, landed at Ye Meng's feet.

"Five colors of light?"

Upon seeing this, Maitreya was shocked, with an incredible look on his face.

Even Kong Xuan, who had been standing with his hands holding hands, looked extremely aloof, was stunned.

There is actually a second person in the world with five colors of light?

"Hi! This kid, horrible!"

The immortals all took a breath.

The five-color light, that has always been Kong Xuan's unique talent.

You know, Kong Xuan, as the first peacock born between heaven and earth in ancient times, was born with a unique talent and five-color light!

Since the prehistoric times, the immortals have never heard of it. There is a second person in this world who, like Kong Xuan, possesses a five-color light!

"What exactly is going on?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? Who knows what this is!"

"Five-color light, is this really a five-color light? Does everyone see clearly?"

"There is no doubt that the five-color light of the Great Sage Zhentian is exactly the same as that of Kong Xuan, no difference!"

After all the immortals were shocked, they started talking.

But the more they talked, the more shocked they became.

"Kong Xuan, what's going on?"

Maitreya was shocked and horrified. After a long time, he looked back and asked Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan smiled lightly when he heard the words.

"How would I know!"


Hearing Kong Xuan's words, Maitreya was suddenly choked.

Ignoring the angry Maitreya, Kong Xuan walked out slowly and stood out from behind Maitreya.

His eyes were staring at Ye Meng closely, and his eyes were full of doubts.

The child in front of him is obviously a human, but why does he possess the five-color light?

Kong Xuan was puzzled about this!

"This little friend, dare to ask where your five-color light comes from?"

Kong Xuan rang with a slightly indifferent voice.

"Slightly, this baby won't tell you!"

When Ye Meng heard the words, he stuck his tongue out and made a face at Kong Xuan.

He wouldn't tell Kong Xuan that this was a skill he had realized when he accidentally ate a peacock feather when he was still at Azure Star!

When he was in the martial arts conference, Ye Meng once sang and constantly released the five-color light, turning a martial arts contest into a personal concert!

However, what Ye Meng had understood at the time was the vanity five-color black light.

Now his realm has been improved by many times, and the five-color mysterious light has naturally advanced to become the spiritual five-color divine light!

Therefore, let alone Kong Xuan, even if the Taoist ancestors come in person, I am afraid he will be confused about this!

After all, Ye Meng is a dignified son, and even the Heavenly Way of the Westward Journey plane can't help him.

"Little friends..."

Seeing Ye Meng's naughty look, Kong Xuan was angry and funny.

He hadn't thought about it, he wanted to start with Ye Meng and Monkey King and other demon kings.

It was just because of obeying Maitreya that he was forced to brush off the weapons of the demon kings such as Zhongxian and Monkey King.

"Kong Xuan, you dare to collude with the enemy?"

But Maitreya on the side looked furious.

As the future Buddha of Shamen, Maitreya's position in Shamen is extremely detached.

Almost the whole Shimen respected him very much.

But this Kong Xuan alone was the one who ignored everyone.

Maitreya had long seen Kong Xuan not pleasing to his eyes, and now he saw Kong Xuan and Ye Meng, who were very happy talking, how could he be restrained?

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