Divine Child System

Chapter 1510: Far West, Jesus

"Master, this time I have lost such a big loss, disciples are really unwilling!"

Tathagata was not polite, gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

At this time, the Tathagata did not see any kind of benevolence at all, but had a hideous look.

This time, Shimen could be said to have stolen chickens without losing rice.

Originally, they thought that they could get a little bit of benefit this time, but who thought, in the end, they lost the burning lantern, Maitreya, Kong Xuan, eighteen arhats, and three thousand monks in vain.

For Shimen, who is scarcely talented, this time is really a painful one!

In particular, Ran Deng, Maitreya, and Kong Xuan are the core class of Shimen.

"The son who is out of fate cannot be reversed by our generation. If you force yourself to do the right thing, you will burn your body, and the gain will not be worth the loss!"

This time it was the quasi-speaker who answered the question. He narrowed his eyes and said lightly.

Tathagata heard this, and my heart was unwilling.


"It's nothing, Duobao, take a long-term view. Among the Three Realms, Sanjiao and Wu Shimen are not the only ones!"

The quasi-speaking Taoist glanced at the Tathagata, and replied with a hint.

Upon hearing this, Tathagata's heart immediately moved.

"Master refers to the extreme west..."

"This kind of wild people are just right to become a weapon in our hands, what do you think, brother?"

The quasi-speaking Taoist smiled and turned to look at the leading Taoist.

"Amitabha, what the brother said is extremely true!"

The people on the leading road chanted the Buddha's name and nodded.

After hearing the Tathagata on the side, a look of joy suddenly appeared on his face.

"It turns out that the master has made arrangements, so the disciple is relieved!"

"Go, contact Jesus, the **** of the extreme west, just let me go, and be willing to cooperate with him, and the two sides will divide the three realms equally!"

The quasi-speaking Taoist laughed, and commanded toward the Tathagata.

Tathagata heard the words, and immediately left.

Thousands of years ago, after discovering the so-called extraterritorial demon in the Tianhe of the Heavenly Court, Shimen's meticulous work in the Heavenly Court has passed the news to Zhun Ti and Li.

These two old guys, after calculating for a hundred years, finally figured out that the so-called extraterritorial monsters are the barbarians of the extreme west.

At the time of the Conferred God War, there were creatures in the extreme west at that time.

But at that time, these creatures completely lived a life of ignorance and drinking.

But who would think that it has only been less than ten thousand years, that these wild people who savaged and drank blood actually gave birth to gods!

What's more, Zhunti and Receiving are shocked.

The gods born in the Far West, and the saints today, walked on a completely different road.

As a result, in just ten thousand years, the **** named **** has already reached the level of a saint.

After this discovery, Zhunti and Xiuyin immediately began to make up their minds about the West.

They once secretly sent the Buddha to sneak into the extreme west with the intention of preaching.

But in the end, they found that the people of the extreme west simply couldn't accept the way of Shaman.

These ignorant creatures only believe in Jesus, and almost dismiss other gods.

In desperation, Zhunti and Jiuying had to abandon the Extreme West.

However, they also took this opportunity to hook up with Jesus.

Therefore, this time, Zhun Rang Tathagata contacted Jesus.

When Shimen was in the layout, the Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun in the Palace of Toss also didn't stop.

After the two discussed for a long time, Yuan Shi Tianzun left the Palace of Dousie with a trace of doubt, a trace of unwillingness, and a trace of surprise!

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