Divine Child System

Chapter 1525: King wants to fight the birds

"The lord is here!"

At this moment, the sharp-eyed Zhang Fei happened to see Ye Meng and Zhao Yun flying towards the navy camp.

Behind them, Kong Xuan, Queen Mother and others followed.

When Guan Yu and Huang Zhong heard the words, they turned their heads and looked at them.

When the lord comes, things will be easier!


Ye Meng and Zhao Yun quickly flew into the navy camp, and the three of Guan Yu hurriedly greeted them.

"These are the alien races you are talking about?"

Ye Meng waved his hand and signaled that the three Guan Yu didn't need to be polite. Soon, he raised his finger to the sky and said with milk.

"Back to the lord, it is these birdmen who are really hateful!"

Zhang Fei gritted his teeth and replied.

Earlier, he accidentally almost touched the way of those birdmen, and he naturally hated these birdmen in his heart.

Hearing what Zhang Fei said, Ye Meng suddenly laughed.

"Yeah, you don't even know angels, and you return to bird people, you are really laughing at this baby!"

The birdmen in Zhang Fei's mouth were indeed the angels in Western legends.

It's just that no angel has ever appeared in this plane, so it's not surprising that everyone doesn't know it.

The bull demon swarming on the same ground are also the tauren in Western legends.

What other elves, hellhounds, etc., are all products of the Western world.

"God... Angel?"

Zhang Fei stammered back, with a dazed expression on his face.

In the Eastern world, angels are mostly used as envoys of emperors.

Therefore, everyone naturally did not understand why Ye Meng wanted to call these birdmen angels.

"Even the angel appeared. It seems that **** is the same person in the baby's impression!"

Ye Meng ignored Zhang Fei and said to herself while grinding her teeth.

Li Jing and others behind him were surprised when they heard the words.

I didn't expect **** to move so fast, I'm afraid Shimen just contacted them, but he has already sent troops!

"Lord, what do you mean these aliens are sent by Jesus? Who is this Jesus?"

Zhao Yun on the side bowed and asked.

Ye Meng nodded and briefly explained the collusion between **** and Shimen.

Zhao Yun and the others just came across.

The next moment, Zhao Yun's expression became serious again.

"Lord, in this case, Shimen and **** have just colluded, but the army in the extreme west has come so quickly, as the last will see, this **** may have been thinking about heaven early!"

"Yes, the lord, the final general also suspects that these alien armies have long been lurking near Tianhe, and they have not just arrived from the extreme west!"

Guan Yu and others nodded in agreement.

Although these people came from the world of kings, they were all capitals of famous generals, so they could see the essence of the problem at a glance.

In comparison, although Li Jing and others were born in general, they have been immortals for a long time, and at this point, they have degraded a lot.

They didn't realize it until they heard what Zhao Yun said.

"These babies all know, but no matter how powerful the angels are, they can't compare to the black technology army of the babies!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand upon hearing the words.

Immediately, with a wave of his wrist, a door of another dimension suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

In the next moment, countless monsters, anti-aircraft guns, rocket-armed chariots, etc., swarmed out of the door of different dimensions!

"Mountain Tiger, set up a gun! My baby is going to fight birds today!"

When the voice fell, the mountain tiger spirit suddenly clasped his fists and promised!

"Yes, King!"

"Little ones, speed guns, the king is going to fight the birds!"

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