Divine Child System

Chapter 1544: Nine Quasi-Holy Mechas

After thanking Yang Jian, he stood up with joy.

"Try it!"

Ye Meng waved his hand, and a white light ejected from his hand, sinking into Yang Jian's forehead.

There was a flash of memory in Yang Jian's mind.

This memory is impressively how to control the mecha warrior Thanos.

With the memory, Yang Jian no longer hesitated, his figure flashed into the mecha.

Immediately, he began to control the mecha.

At the next moment, this Thanos mecha warrior immediately danced flexibly.

"This magic weapon is so powerful, it's so flexible, it's no different from a real person!"

"Who said no, but what is the principle of this magic weapon?"

"It's a bit like puppet art, but it's not, it's weird!"

"The main reason is that the power is too powerful!"

When the immortals saw Yang Jian controlling the mecha, flying up and down, the light blade in the mecha's hand, like cutting tofu, cut off the swords of the nearby guardian generals, they couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath. .

This mech is more powerful than they thought.

After operating for a while, Yang Jian stopped. After putting Thanos away, he came to Ye Meng and bowed his fists.

"The power of the Lord is difficult for a saint!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked again.

With Yang Jian's personality, he can actually say such nasty words, one can imagine how satisfied Yang Jian is with Thanos!

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng waved his hand.

Immediately after he waved his hand, several mecha fighters appeared in front of the immortals.

All the immortals were shocked when they saw it!

Nima, you are shocking enough to come up with a mecha.

Now that so many have been gathered, are you trying to scare us to death?

"Nezha, this is the Magneto King mecha, which can control the magnetic force of the Three Realms. Now, this baby has given you it!"

Ye Meng said, pointing to the strange-looking blue mecha in the mecha, and said.

Hearing this, Nezha was overjoyed.

"Nezha, thank you Lord!"

You know, just now Nezha still envied Yang Jian to get Thanos.

Now he also got a mecha, although he didn't know the strength of Magneto King, but he wanted to be able to control the magnetic force of the Three Realms, it should be no different.

After Nezha received the memory from Ye Meng, he hurried to test Magneto with joy.

Magneto's performance naturally made all the immortals present stunned.

This Nima is another powerful mecha comparable to a quasi saint!

Next, Ye Meng gave the remaining mechas one by one to the Li Jing father and son, and Zhao Gongming's four brothers and sisters.

Li Jing got the Electro-optical Human Mech. Jin Zha was Dr. Octopus, and Mu Zha was Professor Lizard.

The mechas obtained by Zhao Gongming's four brothers and sisters were more powerful than those of Li Jingsan and his son.

Among them, Zhao Gongming was given a mecha named Planet Devourer, which was comparable to Thanos.

And the three sisters of Yunxiao are not bad, they are Apocalypse, Doctor Doom, and Red Skull.

That's right, the mechas produced by Ye Meng are all named after some of the big villains in Marvel.

This is just some of his evil tastes, in fact, these mechas have nothing to do with Marvel.

After all the mechas were tested, all the immortals present were completely numb.

A total of nine quasi-sage-level mechas, such a powerful lineup, even if you look at the Three Sects and Shimen together, they are incomparable.

Now, among Ye Meng's forces, the only thing that is lacking is that a saint is missing.

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