Divine Child System

Chapter 1565: Is he a junior brother?

Watermelon Jing looked at Ye Meng blankly, and made a babble sound in his mouth.

Obviously, although she has transformed, she has not yet learned human language.

All the immortals around were so distressed and stunned.

This is Hongmeng Ziqi, just like this, a watermelon essence is cheap?

Even Lao Tzu and other saints almost went crazy.

I think back then, when they were in the wild, they didn't know how much thought they spent for the grandeur and purple spirit.

It's okay now, a watermelon spirit can actually have the same grandeur and purple aura like them.

"Miss Sister, stand now, don't move?"

Ye Meng scratched his head and said to the watermelon milk.

"Account? Suppressed?"

Watermelon Jing tilted his head and blinked his eyes with a dazed expression.

Seeing this, Ye Meng couldn't help but grinded her little tiger teeth.

"Yeah, this young lady is still too stupid, it seems that there is not enough food!"

As he spoke, his little hand moved.

Another great purple qi appeared in Ye Meng's hands instantly.


Seeing this, the immortals suddenly widened their eyes, their faces full of incredible expressions.

Wasn't this magnificent purple gas eaten by watermelon essence?

Why is there another one now?

Isn't this a dream?

"How come there are two primordial and purple auras?"

Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the Master of Tongtian glanced at each other, and they all saw a look of horror in each other's eyes.

There is a certain number of Hongmeng Ziqi, the so-called Dadao fifty, Tianyan forty-nine.

In the entire Three Realms, there are a total of forty-nine grandeur and purple auras.

Among them, apart from being divided up by the saints, the only ones who lived in the world were the old ancestor Hongyun, and the rest was in the hands of ancestor Hongjun.

However, that cosmic purple qi was already taken by Ye Meng to feed the watermelon essence just now.

Now, there is another one?

"Could it be the teacher..."

Yuanshi Tianzun said something suspiciously.

Lao Tzu and the Lord Tongtian on the side heard the words and remained silent.

Their teacher, Dao Zu Hongjun, has long been incarnate in Heaven, and will almost never interfere in the affairs of the Three Realms.

Why did he give Ye Meng a great purple air?

"Maybe he is the teacher's new closed disciple?"

The Lord Tongtian couldn't help speculating wildly.

Hearing the words of Master Tongtian, Laozi and Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes lit up.

This speculation seems to be reliable.

Only in this way can it explain why Ye Meng would have another radiant purple air.

"This kid is probably our little brother. He is still young. I'm afraid I don't know the rareness of Hongmeng Ziqi. No way. As a brother, I can't let him toss around!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said.

His likes and dislikes have always been obvious, but he will not reject any human monk.

Therefore, he naturally immediately agreed with Ye Meng, the younger brother.

Hearing this, Laozi nodded.

"You can't let the little brother, I wasted all the pains of my teacher."

When the two spoke, they stood up.

But they were still a step slower, and Ye Meng had already stuffed Hongmeng Ziqi into the mouth of the watermelon essence.


As soon as the Hongmeng Ziqi entered, the watermelon essence immediately exploded with a terrifying breath!

When all the immortals saw this, they all took a breath!

"Quasi...Quasi saint!"

A cosmic purple energy made the ordinary watermelon reach the level of the Daluo Jinxian, and even turned into a human being.

The second great purple qi, but let this watermelon essence enter the realm of quasi-sage!

This Nima, do you want to be so... violent!

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