Divine Child System

Chapter 1571: Bilian and Hongmeng Ziqi

The immortals looked at Ye Meng and Hongjun dumbly, they couldn't believe the facts before them.

The ancestor Hongjun actually gave up the title of Dao ancestor.

A good Taoist ancestor turned into a Taoist school.

Nima, what the **** is Taoism? Is there such a name?

"Tao... Dao Zu, I am up and down in five villages, I am willing to follow Dao Ancestor, just ask... only ask..."

Although Zhen Yuanzi had made up his mind, he was a face-seeking person after all. He asked him to ask for a grandeur in public, and he couldn't say anything.

Seeing this, Ye Meng waved his small hand.

"Fine, take this grandiose purple air!"

After speaking, he threw out a great purple air.

After Zhen Yuanzi saw it, he was overjoyed and quickly grabbed it.

When the Hongmeng Ziqi fell into his hands, Zhen Yuanzi trembled.

After hundreds of millions of years, he finally got the grandeur and purple spirit.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, and swallowed the great purple energy in one mouthful.

Upon seeing this, Hongjun on the side couldn't help but wailed.

"Another saint is about to appear!"

Although he set the rules of heaven, no new saints were allowed to appear.

But now, those immortals who have acquired the grand purple qi have already formed cause and effect with Ye Meng.

Therefore, these people are no longer controlled by his way of heaven.

This is also the reason why both Kong Xuan and Queen Mother can enter the Hunyuan Saint.

Others like Yang Jian, Nezha, Li Jing and his sons, temporarily because of insufficient accumulation, can only stay at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage.

But it was only a matter of time before they had taken the Hongmeng Purple Qi and broke through to the Hunyuan Saint.

As for Zhao Gongming and others with sufficient background, they were limited to the power of the Conferred God List, unable to refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi in the body.

Of course, one day, if they can break free from the suppression of the enfeoffment list, they will naturally become saints.

After a while, Zhen Yuanzi achieved the holy throne without any accident.

Seeing that even Zhen Yuanzi had achieved the holy throne, a few more gods immediately rushed out.

However, Ye Meng didn't even look at them.

These guys were very stingy before, and they were not even willing to offer magic weapons.

It's strange that he would give them a grandiose spirit!

After kicking away the unscrupulous gods, Ye Meng's eyes fell on Tathagata.

"Small Tathagata, do you want to have a grandiose spirit?"

At this moment, Ye Meng seemed to be like a little fox, holding Hongmeng purple qi, constantly tempting the Tathagata.

The eyes of the Tathagata stared at the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and the Adam's apple was constantly surging.

On his fat face, the fat trembled slightly.

Obviously, the heart of the Tathagata at this time is full of entanglements.

Of course he desperately yearns for the grandeur and purple spirit.

But after all, Tathagata is different from Zhen Yuanzi. As the helm of Shimen's face, Bi Lian still has the point.

Otherwise, let him be like Zhen Yuanzi, what face will he have in the future, but he will be in charge of Shimen?

"Little Tathagata, you are quite spine, in that case, don't ask for that grandeur!"

Seeing the appearance of Tathagata, Ye Meng curled his lips and ignored him.

At this time, the heart of the Tathagata finally collapsed!

He roared wildly, his huge body flew up instantly, thumped, and knelt down in front of Ye Meng.

"No, I want it, I want a grandeur!"

Who is important, Bilian and Hongmeng Ziqi?

Do you need to ask? Of course it is Hongmeng Ziqi!

Tathagata is not stupid, how could he miss such a unique opportunity?

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