Divine Child System

Chapter 1574: Back to ten thousand worlds

On the second day, Ye Meng brought two old things with him.

As well as Yang Jian, Nezha, Li Jing and his son, Zhao Gongming, brothers and sisters, and the Queen Mother and Niang Niang and other female fairies, gathered in the Palace of the High Heavens.

After a while, the demon kings of the Five Elements Mountain, Liu Feifei, Shen Hongye, Lai Xinwen and others, have all appeared.

"Go back to Ten Thousand Realms!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng waved his small hand and exclaimed with an energetic voice.

In the next moment, a door from another dimension appeared in front of everyone!

Immediately, Ye Meng led everyone into the door of another dimension!

Seeing Ye Meng and others disappear, the ancestors of Hongjun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the heavenly immortals who were present to show off, all danced and celebrated!

Nima, this scourge finally left the Three Realms.

They can finally clean up!

Although Ye Meng took action to destroy **** and Guangming God.

But this **** came entirely for Ye Meng, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid that **** wouldn't appear in the Eastern world.

What is more worthy of congratulations from the heavenly immortals is that Shimen was completely devastated by Ye Meng.

For Heavenly Court, this is definitely good news worth celebrating.

Shimen lost power, and the three religions of man, interpretation, and interception thoroughly divided up all important positions in the heavenly court.

The Three Realms have re-entered the era of the three religions co-governance!

The Yellow Emperor successfully took over the heavenly court and became the lord of the heavenly court.

But Shimen could only shrink in Lingshan and dormant.

The only thing that makes Shimen feel fortunate is that the Tathagata has become holy.

For Shimen, this is also a great fortune in misfortune!

Among the remaining Four Bodhisattvas, Cihang was taken away by Ye Meng, and Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Ksitigarbha, abandoned Shimen, became the heavenly court officials and assisted the emperor.

This time he was severely injured, and I am afraid that he will not be able to recover for hundreds of millions of years.

What is even more miserable is that the Light God Sect in the extreme west was uprooted by the heavenly army after **** died and completely disintegrated!

This caused Jesus' old adversary, the Demon King of the Dark Cult, to throw his eggs, so scared that he quickly lurked and escaped.

Just when the aftermath of the Three Realms was still not over, Ye Meng and others had returned to the Ten Thousand Realms.

Canglan Star Ye Family.

When Ye Meng brought a large group of children and suddenly appeared in front of everyone, those children of the Ye family were immediately shocked.

"Meet the ancestor!"

When they saw that it was Ye Meng, the children of the Ye family knelt down to welcome him.

"Get up!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng waved his small hand.

Immediately, he turned his head and asked towards the queen mother and others.

"Well, Ten Thousand Realms is not worse than Heavenly Court, right?"

Upon hearing Ye Meng's words, the Queen Mother and the others all laughed bitterly.

Is this comparable? The Ten Thousand Realms and the Three Realms even had different cultivation systems, which made the Queen Mother and others unaccustomed for a while.

In the Three Realms, some of them have reached the level of saints.

But in the Ten Thousand Realms, the saint level became what kind of emperor level.

"Little brother……"

The Queen Mother opened her mouth and just wanted to reply.

Suddenly, in the void, thunder has sounded!

The sound of thunder was rolling in, and in an instant there were clouds and thunder and lightning, it looked like an apocalyptic scene!

Seeing this, the Ye family children all around changed their colors in amazement!

In the entire void, it has been completely dark, and only the thunderbolt that keeps flashing by, illuminating the sky from time to time.

But as the thunderbolt passed, darkness soon enveloped the sky again.

"What's the situation? God's punishment?"

The gods and immortals from the Three Realms all exclaimed in shock!

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