Divine Child System

Chapter 1584: Teacher Ye is here

"Happy event? What kind of happy event can there be?"

Su Xiaotian looked surprised when he saw this.

This particular thing is about to be killed by the foreign army, and it is still a happy event, and the catastrophe is almost imminent.

Fang Rui on the side also hurriedly shouted.

"Second brother, what nonsense are you talking about?"

In the past, the second brother Zhong was just irritable, but now in this situation, wouldn't the gibberish be annoying the palace lord?

"No...no, it's really a happy event, Ye... Ye Teacher is here!"

Zhong Hao finally eased his breath and quickly explained.

Just after seeing Ye Meng, he rushed over without even having time to breathe.

"Teacher Ye? Who?"

Su Xiaotian was dumbfounded when he heard this.

In his impression, he did not know Yelaoshr.

Fang Rui was also confused and puzzled.

A teacher in Nima District, this is also called a happy event?

This second brother Zhong is really getting less and less reliable in his work!

When Zhong Hao looked at the two of them, he knew that they didn't realize that Ye Meng was back.

Immediately, he said anxiously.

"Palace Master, it is your teacher, Teacher Ye!"

As soon as this statement came out, Su Xiaotian was stunned instantly!

But a second later, he jumped up suddenly.

"What? My teacher is back? Where is his old man, take me there quickly, no, I will go by myself..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Xiaotian whizzed out, and the disappearing shadows were gone!

Fang Rui on the side was also full of surprises.

"Second brother, is it really the palace master's teacher who has returned?"

His voice is full of incredible.


When Zhong Hao heard this, he nodded fiercely.

But Fang Rui didn't seem to be relieved, and asked another question.

"Is that little blue fairy boy?"


Zhong Hao nodded again.

Hearing this, Fang Rui suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Hahaha, Palace Master's mentor is back, then Nanjiang Palace can be saved!"


Su Xiaotian stumbled straight into the hall. When he saw Ye Meng's small figure, before he could stand still, he thumped and fell to his knees.

"Xiaotian has seen her teacher!"

As he said, he repeatedly kowtow, tears rolling down his eyes.

"Yeah, big apprentice, what's wrong with you?"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng wiped a trace of surprise on her small face.

As early as he had just entered Su Mansion, he found that the atmosphere in Su Mansion was extremely depressed.

However, before he had time to ask, that reckless Zhong Jinnian was already ecstatic to report to Su Xiaotian!

At this moment, when he saw Su Xiaotian's tears streaming down his face, he was naturally very surprised.

"Get up, get up!"

Ye Meng said, waving his small hand, an invisible energy instantly lifted Su Xiaotian.

Su Xiaotian was surprised when he saw this.

"The cultivation base of the mentor seems to become more and more unfathomable!"

It is not surprising that he has this idea.

You know, after receiving the "Taobai Jinxing Calligraphy Collection" gifted by Ye Meng, his cultivation level has skyrocketed.

Today's Su Xiaotian has already reached the Return to Yuan Realm.

After all, he is also a well-known strongman in the blue star!

But unfortunately, even if he entered the Guiyuan Realm, he still couldn't see enough in front of foreign invaders.

After the shock, Su Xiaotian's mood eased slightly.

"Master, why are you back?"

"This baby came back to see his old friend, but why does Nanjiang Mansion seem to be depressed a lot?"

Ye Meng heard the words and said milky voice.

His small face was tight, and he looked old-fashioned, which was really ridiculous.

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