Divine Child System

Chapter 1594: Say you are stupid, you are really stupid

"Of course I'm giving you a pill. I can't even think of it, so stupid!"

Ye Meng curled his lips when he heard the words, a look of disgust appeared on his small face.

No wonder this Dismask will be called the weakest golden saint, it turns out he is stupid!

"Pills? Why do you give me pills?"

Dismask was a little dazed, and he asked Ye Meng blankly.

"You are stupid, you are really stupid. If you don't give you dementing pills, how can this baby control you? Aren't you afraid of your rebellion?"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and replied flatly.


Dismask was stunned again!

He didn't know what it was, but he understood the two words of control.

According to this kid, he seems to have been controlled by him, and he still can't rebel?

"It's ridiculous, there are no drugs that control people's hearts. If they were there, the world would have been messed up long ago!"

After thinking about it, Dismask sneered unconsciously!

He felt that this kid was frightening him!

"you do not believe?"

Seeing Dismask's look, how could Ye Meng not understand what the other party was thinking?

Immediately, he grinned his teeth and suddenly turned his wrist!

The next moment, Dismask suddenly felt a piercing pain, and it struck him instantly!

The pain only spread to his whole body in the blink of an eye!

"Ah... it hurts..."

The cold sweat on Dismask's face rolled down, and a heart-piercing scream came out from his mouth!

The pain, even he, the golden saint who has withstood the test of life and death, couldn't bear it!

This is the pain from the depths of the soul!

"How? Do you still think this baby is scaring you?"

Ye Meng smiled and glanced at Dismask, her small face was full of gloat!

Dismask was not a good person in the first place, so Ye Meng had no psychological burden to deal with him this way!

"Believe... Believe it, help me untie..."

Dismask said tremblingly, his voice full of fear!

He swears that he never wants to taste the same taste again!

Ye Meng waved his small hand when he heard the words!

A white light flashed, and the pain in Dismask's body disappeared instantly without a trace!

But this is the case. At this time, Dismask still felt a bit soft in his legs, and the cold sweat all over his body could not stop sliding down!

"In the future, you will listen to my baby, my baby will make you delicious and spicy!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and said with milk.

As soon as the voice fell off, he himself croaked.

"Bah, baah, what does this baby say like a badass?"

After muttering to himself, Ye Meng ordered to Dismask.

"Let's go, go with this baby!"

After speaking, Ye Meng's figure twisted and he flew down from the void!

Upon seeing this, Dismask followed it obediently!

Now, he doesn't dare to think any more carefully, he never wants to experience the painful taste just now!

When Ye Meng and Dismask reappeared in front of everyone, the two sides who were fighting were all taken aback!

"Big...sir, what are you..."

The tune played by Olufie is completely out of tune!

The scene before him almost confuses him!

Why are the two people who were killed and alive just now walking together in harmony?

And depending on the situation, Master Dismask, seems to be behaving kindly.

Olufie felt that he must be dazzled!

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