Divine Child System

Chapter 1615: Ye Meng is angry

"who is it?"

The five Liu Jin suddenly heard this laughter, and the bowl in their hands slapped with a fright. They fell to the ground and shattered!

"Capricorn Golden Saint Shura!"

The laughter stopped, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of the five Liu Jin!

This person is impressively the Capricorn Golden Saint Shura!

When the five Liu Jin saw this, their pale faces became bloodless after brushing them!

They knew that this time, they couldn't escape anymore!

That group of invaders, even the Golden Saint Seiya was dispatched, where can they escape?


Azure Star, Nanjiang Mansion.

"Master, you are finally back!"

After seeing Ye Meng and others, Su Xiaotian said anxiously!

"What's wrong? Big apprentice?"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng wiped a trace of surprise on her small face!

His big apprentice is usually very stable, but why is he panicked like this now?

"Teacher, the big event is not good, the alliance has been broken, Liu Ge, Wei Lougong, Lu Tangshi and others have been defeated all the way, the three major forces of East Tower, West Pavilion, and Jindaotang, hundreds of thousands of elite, wiped out the entire army. !"

"Now, it is said that Liu Ge and others are now coming to the Azure Star, and the disciples are afraid that they will not be able to reach the Azure Star safely!"

Su Xiaotian said in a hurry, the more he said, the more anxious the expression on his face!

Ye Meng was furious upon hearing this!

"These saints are really hateful, they dare to move this baby!"

The voice fell, and Dismask and others behind him shuddered!

They have a hunch that the Lord is really angry this time!

For a while, they couldn't help feeling sad for the other saints!

I am afraid that only people who have experienced it can understand how terrifying this adorable baby who looks harmless to humans and animals is!

"Look at this baby!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth, and said something with her milk!

Immediately, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the void!

In the next moment, two golden rays of light suddenly appeared in his eyes!

"what is this?"

When Dismask and others saw this, they were all taken aback!

Even Su Xiaotian was stunned!

This skill of Ye Meng is glaring!

This is also the skill that Ye Meng realized after leaving Azure Star!

Su Xiaotian naturally didn't know!

However, under normal circumstances, Ye Meng seldom uses Golden Eyes like this because it is too troublesome!

For Ye Meng, who is most afraid of trouble, sometimes he simply doesn't bother to use the golden eyes!

After a while, the golden light dissipated, and Ye Meng's little face wiped a trace of anger!

"Dismask, Abrodi, Miro, the three of you and my baby are going to the capital!"

As soon as his voice fell, a door of another dimension appeared!

Immediately, Ye Meng's figure suddenly moved and disappeared into the door of another dimension!

The three of Dismask quickly followed!

Only Su Xiaotian, who was confused, and Anxi Bird, who had a wise face!

"Master Su, you have to worry. According to my guess, the lord probably discovered Liu Ge and others, so he left in a hurry!"

The old **** Anxi bird said something!

He stayed in Nanjiang Mansion for a long time in his early years, and he naturally knew Su Xiaotian!

Su Xiaotian heard the words and came back to his senses. Only then did he realize that the Anxi Bird, who looked like a wise man, was actually the priest in the Anxi Bird Cathedral back then!

"It turned out to be Father Anxi Bird!"

Su Xiaotian replied first.

Soon, he asked wonderingly.

"How does the priest know this?"

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