Divine Child System

Chapter 1658: Sun Ray Body

It is naturally extremely difficult to change or improve the talent directly!

Even if Ye Meng had the system, it would take a lot of thought!

Of course, there is a solution, and that is to rely on pill to enhance talent!

However, this method is extremely demanding for people taking pills!

You must be tenacious, otherwise it will be difficult to survive the process of taking the medicine!

With the temperament of Liu Jin's four people, it is strange that they can eat this bitterness!

Therefore, Ye Meng ruled out this method from the beginning.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Meng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"If you have it, use the method of changing their physique to improve their talents in disguise!"

Anyone with a special physique is a person of extraordinary talent.

Therefore, Ye Meng only needs to change the physique of Liu Jin's four people to improve their talents in disguise.

In terms of difficulty, changing the physique of a martial artist is actually more difficult than improving talent.

However, this is only for others!

For Ye Meng, don't change a person's physique too easily!

He has the talent of a technological baby, and everything can be magically changed!

This thing includes humans, animals and other living things!

After all, technological babies can extract the DNA of all living things, so as to achieve the effect of changing the physique of the warrior.

Looking at the entire world, only Ye Meng can do this easily!

"Xiao Jinzi, reach out!"

After making up his mind, Ye Meng said milkily.

Hearing this, Liu Jin didn't dare to neglect, and quickly stretched out his hand.

At the next moment, Ye Meng waved a small hand and already took out an instrument similar to the blood test in a hospital.

Immediately, he pierced the implement at Liu Jin's hand like lightning!

After Liu Jin only felt a slight pain in his fingers, he saw that Ye Meng had already put the device back!

Then, Ye Meng dragged his chin, staring in a daze!

In the eyes of everyone, Ye Meng seemed to be in a daze.

But in fact, his thoughts have entered the system space, and he began to analyze Liu Jin's blood sample and DNA!

After a while, the talent of science and technology baby has already analyzed all Liu Jin's blood samples, DNA, etc., and presented them to Ye Meng.

"Unexpectedly, Liu Jin still has a trace of dragon blood!"

Ye Meng was slightly surprised after reading it.

However, Liu Jin's dragon bloodline is extremely thin, and it is useless at all!

And Ye Meng himself didn't even think about implanting any dragon blood for the old fellow Liu Jin!

Therefore, he quickly left it behind and began to choose the physique for Liu Jin!

"That's it, Da Sun Lei Body!"

After a while, Ye Meng chose a physique for Liu Jin.

The big sun thunder body has a very high affinity for thunder attributes and can absorb the power of the sun, which is terrifying!

Of course, the big sun thunder body is naturally inferior to the immortal body!

However, this is enough to change Liu Jin's physique!

After all, in Ye Meng's mind, Liu Jin is also inferior to Shen Hongye.

"Close your eyes and hold your breath!"

Suddenly, Ye Meng's voice rang!

Upon hearing this, Liu Jin quickly cheered up and followed Ye Meng's orders!

In the next moment, he felt his body and seemed to be gently patted by Ye Meng!

Immediately, a terrifying energy poured into his body instantly!

Then, this energy erupted like a volcano!

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