Divine Child System

Chapter 1662: Eat Tianma Saint Clothes

The Twelve Golden Saint Seiya and the Wu Xiaoqiang heard these words, and they were silent for a moment, and no one dared to speak out!

Even Seiya, an impulsive guy, retired nonchalantly!

No way, who would call them Saint Seiyas are defeated generals, there is no way to compare with these people in front of them!

You know, these old guys are the confidants of Ye Meng, far from what they can compare!

Seeing Seiya retreating obediently, Ye Meng nodded and ignored the others, and walked to the Pegasus Saint Cloth!

The next moment, he opened a small mouth and bit down with a whirr!

Immediately, the sound of creaking chewing rang!

After the sour chewing sound rang, all the saints suddenly got goose bumps.

Too devilish, this voice is simply poisonous!

However, Shen Hongye, Liu Jin and others were fascinated by hearing, like hearing fairy music, intoxicated!

"What a wonderful voice!"

"It's so intoxicating, such a voice is unique in the world!"

"I'm afraid only Little Fairy can make such a chewing sound like Xianle!"

"Wonderful, wonderful, my Liu Jin lived for seventy-eight years, but this is the first time I heard such a nice voice!"

Shen Hongye and others are flattering!

For a while, what kind of nasty talk came over to Ye Meng without money!

Ye Meng was extremely satisfied when he heard the words, and his little face was happy!

"Not bad, go ahead!"

After Shen Hongye and the others heard it, they all lifted their spirits and started to praise Ye Meng hard!

All the saints and Wu Xiaoqiang looked at each other and were at a loss!

They have never imagined that there is such a brazen person in the world!

Are you proud of flattering?

It is a pity that their lord Ye Meng loves to listen, which makes the saints feel speechless.

"Hey, I still can't let go. If I can learn the cost of these old guys, I am afraid I will be able to suppress all Saint Seiya!"

Among the Saints, only Dismask did not despise Shen Hongye and others, but secretly regretted it!

However, he soon had a new goal, which was to worship Shen Hongye as a teacher and learn how to flatter him!

It's no surprise that Dismask has such an idea!

Among the twelve golden saints, he is the most despicable and the worst character!

Therefore, it is not surprising that he has such an idea!

Ye Meng finished most of the pegasus sacred clothes in Dismask's cranky thoughts!

Seiya is over there, and his heart is bleeding!

The Heavenly Horse Saint Cloth that he obtained after so much hardship is so gone!

If the Heavenly Horse Saint Cloth was damaged during the battle, Seiya would be relieved even though his heart aches!

However, now his Heavenly Horse Saint Cloth was actually eaten!

Eat it!

This is so special that Seiya feels like a husky!

"The taste is okay!"

Ye Meng stopped after gnawing on most of the pegasus saint clothing!

He touched his stomach, his little face was filled with satisfaction!

When the other Saints saw this, they were all happy!

Even Zilong and the others, who love the brothers, are completely relieved!

It seemed that the Lord had eaten more than half of the Heavenly Horse Saint Garment and seemed to be full!

That's good, their saint clothing can be preserved!

At this moment, no one can care about the unlucky Seiya. After all, a dead fellow is better than a dead poor, right?

The joy in everyone's eyes just rose, but when Ye Meng flipped his hand, a small hammer appeared in his hand!

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