Divine Child System

Chapter 1743: Zhu Shen is that simple

Damn it!

Ye Meng's fist instantly fell on Apollo!

The next moment, the golden protective cover, like ice and snow melted, instantly vanished!

Immediately afterwards, the power that did not belong to this plane at all poured into Apollo's body like a violent storm!


The screams stopped abruptly as soon as they sounded!

Apollo, the sun god, fell completely, turned into a cloud of blood, and disappeared between the heaven and the earth!

The remaining gods saw their scalp numb and their hands and feet were cold!

A chill rushed straight to the forehead from the soles of their feet!

too frightening!

This kid is simply not human!

The dignified god, in front of him, is like an ant, completely vulnerable!


Hades, who reacted the fastest, suddenly roared!

Immediately, his figure exploded in an instant!

The whole person swept towards the distance!

Hades was so fast that he disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

But the reaction of other gods was a step slower!

When they came back to their senses, they happened to see Cupid, the **** of love, being slapped by Ye Meng and photographed in the earth!

Obviously, Cupid has fallen!

The chill hit the gods again. This time, the gods rushed out toward the surroundings without any hesitation!

But how could Ye Meng allow them to run away under his nose?

Immediately, he flipped his hand!

In the next moment, countless Ultraman appeared one after another!

Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Cerro, Ultraman Dyna, Ultraman Noah...

A total of dozens of Ultraman rushed out instantly!

"Damn, what the **** are these?"

"Is this the **** of another universe?"

"Hateful, I was stopped!"

"We can only fight!"

All the gods who were running away were stopped by Ultraman!

Compared to the gods, the Ultramans are slightly weaker!

However, it's just one thing!

The gods also took these Ultramans for a while, there was no way at all!

Therefore, the scene of Ultraman fighting against the gods, which was originally impossible, was realized in this plane!

After the Ultramans stopped the gods, Ye Meng soon joined the battle group!

He waved a small hammer, a hammer in the east and a hammer in the west!

In just a moment, there were already more than a dozen gods, under the thunder hammer, turned into fly ash!

The remaining gods have no intention of fighting!

But unfortunately, they were blocked by the Ultramans, and they couldn't escape at all!

Soon, the gods present almost all died under Ye Meng's Thunder hammer!

Except for a few word-of-mouth, good-tempered goddesses, they were not killed by Ye Meng!

None of the other gods were spared!

Whether it is the God of War or the God of Light, everything is turned into ashes!

"You guys, there is nothing wrong in your life, this baby will let you go this time!"

After looking at the few kind gods, including the Moon Goddess and the Earth Goddess, Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and said milky voice!

These goddesses were secretly relieved when they heard this!

Thank this child for his mercy, otherwise, they will probably fall here today!

"Then this baby asks you, where is Athena?"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Meng asked again!

"My lord, Athena is being held in the underworld!"

It was the Moon Goddess who responded!

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words!

"Underworld, great!"

It happened that Hades had already escaped!

So, it's time to go to the underworld!

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