Divine Child System

Chapter 1747: The bottom of the earth

Ye Meng's voice fell, and he rushed into the dark portal!

Upon seeing this, the Moon Goddess and others hurriedly followed in!

The portal was naturally placed by Hades!

This is a secret place he accidentally discovered!

It's just that this hidden place is deep in the ground!

It's deeper than the underworld!

This place is full of lifelessness!

Therefore, after the discovery, Hades is naturally like a treasure!

Part of the palace of Hades was even directly expanded to cover up this underground entrance!

As for the portal, it is naturally because it makes Hades easier to get in and out!

After a while, the figures of Ye Meng and others reappeared!

They are now at the bottom of the earth!

The darkness all around, the rich lifelessness made the Moon Goddess and others, goosebumps goosebumps!

Although, as gods, they are not afraid of death!

But such a strong lifelessness also made them feel extremely uncomfortable!

No way, as normal gods, they are naturally disgusted with death!

This is also the reason why Hades is extremely powerful, but he is not popular among the gods!

Because there is no **** who is willing to come into contact with the deadly Hades!

However, the so-called lifelessness, in Ye Meng's eyes, is no different from the air!

He turned his head and glanced, the Moon Goddess and others who looked not so good!

Immediately, Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and her mouth opened instantly!

In the next moment, those strong death qi was swallowed by him instantly!

The difference between the front and the back was only a second, and the lifelessness of the bottom of the earth had disappeared without a trace!

When the death was gone, the surroundings suddenly lit up!

Although there is no sunlight here, there is a special kind of energy that can emit a faint light!

Earlier, these rays of light were shrouded in death energy, naturally impenetrable layers of death energy!

But now the lifelessness has disappeared!

The originally extremely faint light appeared extremely dazzling!

"who is it?"

"Who swallowed the death of this king?"

Hades, who was about to continue taking the power of Athena's blood, discovered the anomaly at the moment his lifelessness disappeared!

This subterranean aura, even with his strength, would take at least a few days and nights before it could be swallowed!

However, there are people who can make lifelessness disappear in an instant!

This strength is definitely stronger than him!

There is almost no one who can be stronger than Hades, looking at the entire Saint Seiya plane!

Therefore, Hades wiped out a trace of bad thoughts immediately!

"No, that kid!"

After reacting, Hades was shocked!

This kid, unexpectedly found here so quickly, and chased him!

This made Hades completely unexpected!

Because this secret realm at the very bottom of the earth is really hidden to the extreme!

Even the other gods have not discovered it at all!

In fact, let alone other gods, even the past generations of Pluto, who lived in the palace of the underworld, they have not found it!

That is, Hades, the Hades of this generation, was lucky enough to let him accidentally discover the existence of the underground!

But now, Ye Meng can easily find the bottom of the earth. How can Hades not be shocked?

"Hahaha, it turns out that you are hiding here to make this baby easy to find!"

Just when Hades was still secretly shocked and hesitating, Ye Meng's childish voice of milky milk sounded instantly!

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