Divine Child System

Chapter 1806: The civilization here is very backward

Ye Meng and Xiao Miao talked all the way, and came to Zailai Town.

Xiao Miao hired a carriage and drove the two straight to Tianfeng City.

Tianfeng City is quite far away from Zailai Town. If it is on foot, it will take at least a day.

Xiao Miao was afraid that Ye Meng might not be able to walk for a day at a young age, so he deliberately extravagantly and hired a carriage.

Ye Meng knew this well, and felt a little more fond of Xiao Miao.

At least this Xiao Miao does not matter whether it is a protagonist template, but he is really good.

Just like his father Xiao Dalian, he is a kind man.

After a long time, the carriage arrived outside Tianfeng City.

According to the rules of Tianfeng City, foreign transportation tools are not allowed to enter Tianfeng City.

Therefore, Ye Meng and Xiao Miao can only walk into the city.

"My son, the Skywind City is here, shall we go to the inn first or go to Canglan Academy for a stroll?"

After getting out of the carriage, Xiao Miao asked Ye Meng.

According to his thoughts, he was going to visit Blue Academy first.

However, now that Ye Meng is here, he wouldn't be able to make his own mind.

"Go to the academy first!"

Ye Meng waved her small hand when she heard the words, and said milky voice.

"Good Le!"

Hearing Ye Meng's words, Xiao Miao responded happily.

Immediately, the two slowly walked towards the sky wind city.

Although Tianfeng City was heavily guarded, the two successfully passed the gate guard checkpoint, and there was no plot where the guard dog looked down on others.

However, this is also normal. Tianfeng City is so big that there are no fewer than hundreds of thousands of pedestrians entering and leaving the four gates every day.

Those guards will have nothing to do when they are full and come to make things difficult for you?

"This city is very lively!"

After entering Tianfeng City, Ye Meng couldn't help but sighed when he saw the bustling scene in the city.

Although there are many cities in Ten Thousand Realms, they are much larger than Tianfeng City.

But except for the Nebula Galaxy where the Alliance is located, it has a larger population and a more prosperous city.

In other territories, the population is relatively small, and there is rarely such a thing as Tianfeng City. Pedestrians have almost reached a constant stream.

However, compared to the Ten Thousand Realms, the technology, or civilization, here obviously lags behind the Ten Thousand Realms.

The most intuitive thing is that the civilization here seems to be still in the period of slavery.

After walking for just a few hundred meters, Ye Meng had already seen several vendors selling slaves publicly!

"Can you sell slaves here?"

Ye Meng turned his head to look at Xiao Miao curiously, and asked with a milk voice.

Xiao Miao nodded when he heard the words, but there was a trace of disgust in his eyes.

Obviously, this Xiao Miao was extremely disgusted with this system.

"Most of these slaves are people captured from enemy and defeated countries. Of course, like some high-level merchants, they even auction off noble slaves!"

"That's it!"

While Ye Meng and Xiao Miao were talking, not far in front, a group of merchants selling slaves appeared.

However, this time, after Ye Meng saw it, he suddenly let out a cry.

Soon, he quickened his pace and walked over.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Miao wiped a look of surprise on his face.

"My son, what are you..."

"My baby is going to buy this slave!"

Ye Meng squeezed into the crowd after hearing the words.

Xiao Miao suddenly shook his head helplessly. In essence, he was extremely disgusted with the slave trade.

But he also knew that Ye Meng was a noble, and perhaps to the noble, slaves were goods!

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