Divine Child System

Chapter 1816: The shopkeeper

"My baby has eaten!"

Ye Meng replied with a straight face when he heard the words.

"Eat... ate? What about... the plate?"

After Xiao Miao heard this, he stammered and asked.

How does he feel a little weird?

Nobody in the world eats so fast?

You know, this time, Ye Meng really finished everything within a few seconds.

In other words, Xiao Miao and others only took a few breaths and nothing was seen.

"Yes, of course I ate, and the plate was also eaten by my baby!"

Ye Meng curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

This baby will eat faster this time, it will scare you.


The shopkeeper on the side softened his legs and couldn't help kneeling down!

His throat was surging up and down, obviously he was constantly swallowing saliva.

This is not what he is greedy, but it is scary.

As long as the second person in this shop is frightened, he will become like this.

Now that he had this look again, he was naturally frightened by Ye Meng.

"Oh my god, there are still people eating plates in this world..."

Xiao Er's body couldn't help trembling.

He even wondered whether the child in front of him had been transformed from a terrible beast?

Otherwise, why does he even eat the plate.

"He won't eat me?"

The next moment, Xiaoer Dian started to think again.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he became, and then his body shivered and he was scared to pee!

"What is the taste?"

Ye Meng frowned, and immediately his eyes fell on Dian Xiaoer.

"Ah, you actually pee on your pants, ashamed!"

Ye Meng burst into laughter when he saw the trousers of the shop's second child were wet.

The laughter made Xiao Miao and Ye Xin react from dementia in an instant.

They looked at Ye Meng's eyes, already showing a trace of fear.

Obviously, whether it was Xiao Miao or Ye Xin, they all thought of a possibility.

That is, will Ye Meng be the Yuan Beast?

Because, in the legend, the powerful Yuan Beast can transform into a human form.

These meta-beasts will specifically seduce humans and then devour human souls.

Although, in the Yuanhuang continent, there has never been a legend of Yuan beast eating people.

However, Xiao Miao and Ye Xin couldn't help but frighten themselves when they heard that Ye Meng was even eating a plate.

"Give me something to eat, my baby is not full yet!"

Ye Meng waved his hand towards the shop Xiaoer, and said milky voice.

The second shopkeeper tremblingly responded when he heard the words.

Immediately, he did not know where he gave birth to a force, and instantly jumped from the ground.

Then, like a frightened rabbit, he swished out.

The sound of his yelling and yelling had just come out of the room.

"Hand... the shopkeeper, it's not good, there is a Yuan beast that only eats a plate in our shop!"

The sharp screams resounded across the sky instantly.

Throughout the inn, almost everyone heard the screams of Xiao Er.

In the next moment, countless residents rushed out of the room.

"Check out, I want to check out!"

"Broken inn, there is a Yuan Beast!"

"You die shopkeeper, do you want to kill my old mother so that I can inherit my aunt's towel?"

"Black shop, yours is a black shop, do you want Yuan Beasts to kill us, so that you can seize our property?"

For a time, the whole inn jumped into a mess.

But Ye Meng, who was the instigator, seemed to have never seen him, sitting in a chair cheerfully, and then eating...

Well, eating the handle of the chair.

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