Divine Child System

Chapter 2250: Arrived in the book spirit universe

Shuling Universe, not far from Yuanhuang Continent!

Well, you only need to tear open the multiple spaces of the universe, and then perform a space jump, and you can reach it!

Of course, since it is a multiverse, in fact, the Shuling Universe and Yuanhuang Continent are not a parallel universe at all!

The two can't match up at all, but for a powerful person like Ye Meng, it's not too easy to penetrate the multiverse!

Stabbed! Stabbed!

The continuous tearing sound kept ringing.

The magic-modified mecha directly broke through multiple spaces, jumping layer by layer!

I don't know how long it took, a black cosmic black hole with terrible devouring power suddenly appeared in front of the mecha!

"This is the entrance to the Shuling universe!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng's heart trembled.

Immediately, he controlled the mecha to quickly fly toward the black hole!

After a few breaths, everyone felt that their eyes suddenly went dark, and then it was as if they had fallen into endless darkness!

When the light appeared before their eyes again, they had already appeared in a world like a fairyland!

"Is this the Shuling Universe? It's so beautiful!"

Liu Feifei, Liu Youyou and others looked out through the mecha and were surprised!

Like Liu Feifei, she was also a person who entered the heavenly court, but she felt that this place was more beautiful than the heavenly court!

Even Shen Hongye was slightly dazed.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the so-called Shuling Universe would look like this.

According to him, since it is the universe, it must be the product of some high-tech!

Maybe it will be the future of science fiction.

But the fact is not at all!

This place is in ancient times, but the scenery is picturesque and beautiful!

Almost every mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist!

There are Feiquan waterfalls, pavilions and pavilions everywhere!

What is even more exaggerated is that these pavilions are suspended in mid-air out of thin air, and there is no object to support them!

"This universe, I'm afraid it is close to the Xianxia level universe!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and said with a milky voice.

Except Tangtang, the people present were all from modern society, so they naturally understood what Xianxia meant.

After they heard, they nodded together.

Indeed, the world in front of me looks like the world of Xianxia.

However, whether this is the case is not known!

Ye Meng felt the power of the system in his body, and found that the bear child system at this time was obviously not in a crushed state like other planes!

"The Shuling Universe is a system world. There are tens of thousands of systems here. There must be some kind of rule suppressing the system, otherwise I am afraid it will be messed up long ago!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng thought secretly.

For the bear child system, he was prepared for a certain amount of suppression, but he was not surprised at all!

In fact, if there is no change in the bear child system, he will be disappointed instead!

"It seems that this universe is indeed the place where this baby proclaims the Dao, and only here can this baby completely eat the system!"

Ye Meng's heart was not shocked but rather happy.

After he had eaten part of the system and obtained the characteristics of the eternal immortal body, he would never be able to harvest the system's natal essence again!

Moreover, the original mission of the dungeon Ye Meng was completely interrupted!

If Ye Meng hadn't left a trace of thoughts on the copy of Ye Meng, knowing that he was safe, I would have thought that copy of Ye Meng had completely disappeared!

All of this proves that the god-level bear child system does not want to be eaten by Ye Meng!

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