Divine Child System

Chapter 2254: Yin Ren Feng Zijun

Hearing Xian Chang's opening, the crowd at the scene instantly fell silent.

Even the two aristocratic teenagers were fully absorbed.

Not to mention Long Jiaoyang, just take a small book and take notes on the spot!

"Don't be nervous, relax!"

Seeing everyone's expressions nervous, the male disciple laughed.

After comforting everyone, he continued to speak slowly.

"Today is the day when my ancient immortal gate opens up new disciples. I am Feng Zijun as an examiner for the first time. I hope you can forgive me if there are any mistakes!"

When he spoke, he had a humble look on his face, and his tone was not at all pretentious.

Hearing this, everyone didn't even dare to connect.

After Ye Meng saw it, her little face was slightly surprised.

It stands to reason that even if this immortal person is humble, there is no need to be polite to ordinary people who have not yet started?

The man in front of him did this, or he was born a good-tempered good gentleman!

Either it is, this person has bad intentions, something will come out in the assessment!

Ye Meng prefers the latter point.

Therefore, he quickly focused his attention on this man who claimed to be Feng Zijun.

On the contrary, the beautiful disciple on the side did not speak except for a smile at Ye Meng before.

Long Jiaoyang's eyes couldn't stop drifting toward that beautiful disciple.

There was a look of intoxication in his eyes.

However, this time he did not dare to look more, just glanced at it, and then quickly lowered his head.

This scene didn't escape Ye Meng's attention at all.

"This guy really regards himself as the protagonist template, really all the beauties under the day will give you a secret promise?"

Ye Meng curled his small mouth and thought to himself.

After everyone calmed down, Feng Zijun said with a smile.

"So, I don't have to say much, the assessment will begin, how?"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly became excited.

"Xianchang, you decide, don't you need to consult us?"

"This time, the immortal Chang I met is so easy to talk, it's luck!"

"God treats me so much, so that I can participate in the assessment for the first time, and I will run into such a fairy!"

"In the rumors, those immortals are very cold, and now it seems that the rumors are really unreliable!"

Everyone was pleasantly surprised and excited.

When the beautiful disciple next to Feng Zijun saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Obviously, her reaction to the crowd was a bit funny.

Because she never thought Feng Zijun was a good husband!

This guy is shady!

"It seems that we won't receive a few new disciples this time, but it doesn't matter to me, as long as you don't brush off this kid!"

Thinking in her heart, she turned her head to transmit the sound to Feng Zijun.

"Feng Zijun, it doesn't matter how much you toss about in the assessment, but don't get this kid out, otherwise the old lady will never finish with you!"

Feng Zijun was surprised when he heard the female disciple's voice transmission.

But the look on his face did not change, his lips moved quietly, and the voice passed!

"Junior Sister Yan, don't worry, how can I brush off the person you like?"

"Count you acquaintance!"

After hearing this, Junior Sister Yan nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Long Jiaoyang in the crowd couldn't help but ask.

"Xianchang, what are we evaluating?"

He couldn't wait to pass the test, and then joined the fairy gate and became a disciple of the fairy gate.

Thinking of the future, Long Jiaoyang couldn't stop trembling with excitement when he could become an immortal flying in the sky.

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