Divine Child System

Chapter 2259: Everyone, scared silly

"Crush them, crush them!"

Long Jiaoyang looked at the falling boulder from a distance, and his heart instantly became excited.

He wished that these huge rocks would crush Ye Meng and others to death!

"Feng Zijun!"

Yan Ziyan yelled softly when she saw this, but Liu her eyebrows were erect.

When Feng Zijun heard the words, he spread his hands.

"Can't blame me, they charge too fast, I don't want to be like this either!"

Seeing Feng Zijun's rogue appearance, Yan Ziyan was immediately anxious.

However, this is not the time to care about these things with Feng Zijun, the most urgent thing is to save the porcelain doll first!

When Yan Ziyan moved her body, she wanted to move forward!

However, her figure just came out, and then stopped instantly.

Soon, her face showed a dumbfounded expression!

Feng Zijun on the side opened his mouth even more, his eyes widened, as if he had seen an incredible thing.

Long Jiaoyang, who was gloating for misfortune, seemed to be so shocked that he slipped at his feet and fell into a dog to eat shit!

Even the two aristocratic teenagers were dumbfounded and stood on the spot.

What did they see?

I saw that the huge boulder that was huge, with a force of destruction, crashed down, was gently blocked by Ye Meng's little hand.

However, this alone is not enough to shock Feng Zijun and Yan Ziyan to this point.

After all, this is the Xiuxian Universe, and there are many people who are born with supernatural powers.

However, what the **** is Ye Meng's next move?

He even opened a small mouth and bit down towards the boulder.

The click, the sound of chewing, continued to come out.

Hearing Feng Zijun and others, goose bumps all over his body.

I have seen a monk with a strange flower, but with such a strange flower, it is Feng Zijun who has cultivated a fairy for so many years, but he has never seen it!

"My goodness, he was eating stones!"

"Is his mouth so good? Even big rocks can chew?"

The two aristocratic teenagers only saw cold sweat, and their hearts were shocked.

Because in just a moment, only half of the big stone was actually eaten by Ye Meng!

"Junior Sister Yan, what kind of existence do you think? Even the Sacred Heart Rock can be gnawed?"

Feng Zijun's face had a siberian husky expression.

The Sacred Heart Rock is usually the sect of cultivating immortals. The material used to build the palace is so hard that even the magic weapon can't hurt it!

But now, the little things in front of me are really delicious!

"Sister Yan, is this kid a monster?"

Feng Zijun couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

"What nonsense are you talking about, how can such a cute child be a monster?"

Yan Ziyan glared at Feng Zijun when she heard the words, her pretty face was full of dissatisfaction.

"This is not necessarily true, aren't the Demon Infants of Fengming Mountain and the Night Screaming Dolls of Baoyuetan all monsters!"

Feng Zijun was disapproving, and replied.

In his heart, he increasingly suspected that Ye Meng was transformed by a monster.

No way, he can't be blamed, who is Ye Meng's behavior, which subverts his three views too much?

"Later, let Master Shu take a picture of this child with a magic mirror!"

Feng Zijun stared at Ye Meng, touching his chin and thought to himself.

The demon-displaying treasure mirror is equivalent to a magic weapon such as the demon mirror, but it is still slightly inferior to the demon mirror in myths and legends.

However, the ancient immortal gate in the Shuling universe is only a small sect, and it is already very good to have a magic weapon like the magic mirror!

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