Divine Child System

Chapter 2269: Little life matters

recognize? Still don't recognize it?

This is the choice Long Tianjiao faces now.

Recognition, it can be said that it has been insulted by personality, after all, it is necessary to recognize others as fathers.

If he doesn't admit it, he will be punished by Heaven's Dao thunder and smashed into ashes!

Of course, he asked for all this, and if he didn't say such a thing, naturally there would be nothing like the present.

Long Tianjiao considered it, and after counting his interest time, he made a choice.

He recognized it!

Being humiliated is not terrible!

As long as it can be retrieved sometime later, it will be fine.

But there is only one small life. If his life is gone, what else can he use to realize his ambitions?

Therefore, Long Tianjiao admitted.

He took a deep breath, walked to Bao Er, and knelt down with a plop.


A voice full of grievance came from his mouth.

Hearing this, Bao Lao Er was taken aback by reality, and then burst into laughter.

"My son, get up!"

As he spoke, he could not help but leaned forward and closed with a smile.

Ye Meng and others on the side also smiled.

This time, they really didn't have any idea to pit Dragon Tianjiao or something.

It was entirely that Long Tianjiao himself was purely dying, and he had set himself on himself.

Seeing the scene of Long Tianjiao being so aggrieved, the ancient Lianxianmen Sect Master and the elders hidden in the dark did not laugh at him.

Instead, all of them nodded secretly.

"This young man has a good temperament and is a good seed!"

"Not bad, young and mature, able to bend and stretch, promising!"

"That is, unlike most teenagers, who would rather die than suffer this humiliation, how can this kind of people stay together in the immortal world?"

"My ancient immortal gate, I finally figured out a genius who can give high hopes!"

This group of old guys seemed to be very in favor of Long Tianjiao's actions, and their words were all praise.

It's a pity that Long Tianjiao couldn't hear it. At this moment, he hated Ye Meng's group of people!

However, it is not without good news, at least his recognition of father, the thunder robbery in the sky, instantly disappeared without a trace!

Since Long Tianjiao had fulfilled his oath, Tiandao would naturally not punish him.

With a huge hatred, Long Tianjiao silently retreated.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

He Long Tianjiao is a dignified gentleman, arrogant and arrogant, a man of steel, naturally he has to bear it down, and then choose to take revenge.

"Next person!"

Feng Zijun also seemed to be aware of the embarrassment of the scene, and quickly turned off the topic, and motioned to Ye Meng's people to rush to test!

"Sister Yoyo, you go!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng waved to Liu Youyou.

Tangtang does not need to be tested, because she has no access to the system.

Moreover, taking 10,000 steps back, it's useless for her to obtain the system.

Therefore, Ye Meng directly eliminated Tangtang, and Tangtang would not be able to worship this ancient immortal gate anyway.

"Then I will go, Xiao Ye Meng!"

Liu Youyou nodded when he heard the words, and walked towards the test monument.

She is a big beauty, but also a super beauty level.

In terms of appearance and temperament, except for Liu Feifei, who is exactly the same as her, even Yan Ziyan can't compare her!

However, now Long Tianjiao already hates Ye Meng and others deeply, and he has no affection for a beauty like Liu Youyou!

This guy, after all, belongs to the protagonist template, there is still some arrogance.

Liu Youyou also didn't play mystery or anything, directly pressed on the test monument and began to test.

Soon, the same golden light group flew towards Liu Youyou.

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