Divine Child System

Chapter 2271: I go, he can fly

"The flattering system, hahaha, laugh at me!"

Hearing Shen Hongye's words, Long Tianjiao was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly laughed wildly!

Not only him, but even Feng Zijun and others cover their mouths and laugh.

However, this is not that they are maliciously trying to laugh at Shen Hongye, but it is indeed a little bit ridiculous.

In fact, with the exception of Ye Meng and Shen Hongye, even Bao's second child and others looked dumbfounded.

No way, anyone who suddenly hears the flattering system will have such a reaction.

Therefore, Shen Hongye can naturally distinguish who is simply amused by the flattering system, and who is really taunting him.

Among so many people in the audience, besides Long Tianjiao, who else is malicious in mind?

Haven't you seen him laugh so wildly?

Shen Hongye turned his head gloomily and glanced at Long Tianjiao.

Long Tianjiao didn't seem to realize the problem at all, and was still laughing out loud there.

However, Feng Zijun felt Shen Hongye's unkindness, and he hurried to Long Tianjiao with a soft shout.



Hearing this, Long Tianjiao's laughter instantly diminished, and his face was a bit more embarrassing!

For Xianchang, he was somewhat afraid of him, so he didn't dare to resist.

Upon seeing this, Shen Hongye withdrew his gaze.

Since Feng Zijun, who is in charge of the assessment, has come forward, he will not care about any more fools like Long Tianjiao.

Anyway, the days are long, he has a chance to kill this idiot.

"Little... Fairy Boy, please!"

After screaming at Long Tianjiao, Feng Zijun's face was filled with a smile, and he looked at Ye Meng slightly flatteringly.

No way, Ye Meng didn't talk about the abnormal ability that Ye Meng had previously revealed.

The concept of the people around him alone has been favored by Shu Ling.

With Feng Zijun as a person, he certainly wanted to please Ye Meng.

Moreover, in case this child has the favor of the Heaven-defying Shuling, if he can make a good relationship with him in advance.

Maybe in the future, I can still follow this child and have some soup!

"My baby got it!"

Ye Meng waved his hand when he heard the words, and said milky voice.

Immediately, he walked towards the test monument carelessly.

The test monument is about several feet high, and the place used for the test is just hanging over 1.5 meters above the ground.

If they are adults, they can reach this height when they raise their hands.

However, Ye Meng was a child, and his height was far from adequate.

"I'm confused!"

When Feng Zijun saw this, he patted his forehead and cursed himself secretly.

The next moment, he stepped forward and wanted to pick up Ye Meng.

However, before he took any action, he saw Ye Meng's body fly by itself.

"I go……"

Seeing this scene, Feng Zijun directly broke out the foul language.

Only with the physical body can fly in the air, at least reaching the realm of Nascent Soul.

Even Feng Zijun can only rely on the flying sword to fly in the air.

And the child in front of him can actually float on its own.

This is so weird!

Yan Ziyan, Xiao Longtao, and Lu Renjia looked stunned.

Long Tianjiao even opened his mouth wide, and his jaw almost fell in shock.

It's terrible that a little kid has such supernatural powers, right?

"I messed with this kid, is it a wise choice?"

Seeing this, Long Tianjiao couldn't help but secretly regret.

However, this thought only lasted less than half of his time in his mind, and his thoughts became firm again.

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