Divine Child System

Chapter 2280: Ask the Daozong

Ye Meng and others, a few days after entering the ancient immortal gate, Sect Master Dan Xiaogui suddenly summoned Ye Meng.

After entering the main hall, Ye Meng suddenly discovered that in addition to Dan Xiaogui, other elders were also present.

In addition, there is a strange middle-aged man.

"Elder Ye, come, quickly meet the elder Zhu Yaozhi who asked Daozong!"

When he saw Ye Meng, Dan Xiaogui started talking.

While he was speaking, he kept winking at Ye Meng.

Obviously, he wanted to signal to Ye Meng that they couldn't afford to offend this person in front of him!

"Pork kidney?"

Ye Meng was slightly startled when he heard the words.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his little face.

"Oh, it turned out to be the elder Zhu Yaozi, this baby is lucky to be here!"

Upon seeing this, Zhu Yaozhi, who was on the opposite side, showed a reserved look on his original fish-like face.

He nodded slightly.

"No need to be polite!"

When Ye Meng heard the words, he was in the middle of his arms, and Dang Even swaggered to pick a seat and sit down.

Dan Xiaogui around him and the elders all breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Yaozhi smeared a strange color in his eyes.

To be honest, when he just saw Ye Meng, the little kid, the eighth elder in the population like Dan Xiaogui, he was undoubtedly disappointed and despised.

However, the look of Dan Xiaogui and others in front of them seemed to show Ye Meng's special features.

Therefore, Zhu Yao's mind was naturally slightly surprised.

However, this is not the time to think about this, Zhu Yaozhi quickly calmed down and said.

"Since the elders of Guizong are all here, then Zhu has started to announce!"

"Please show me from Elder Zhu!"

Dan Xiaogui and the others stood up all at once upon hearing this.

Only Ye Meng was still sitting swaggering in the chair.

Zhu Yaozhi glanced at Ye Meng, but he was not angry.

The other party is just a child, he has lived for more than 500 years, and he still cares about the behavior of a child?

"Everyone, recently on the Daogan Mountain, abnormalities have frequently appeared. My Sect Master is very worried about this. Therefore, I specially ordered Zhu to come and inform the various schools to go to the Dao Sect to gather together!"

Zhu Yaozhi said slowly, looking around the crowd while speaking.

"What kind of abnormal mountain has appeared again?"

When Dan Xiaogui and others heard this, they were all taken aback.

Daogan Mountain was said to be the gate of the Demon Dao Sect in the ancient times, and was later suppressed by the Righteous Monks!

After that, it was renamed Daoganshan.

It stands to reason that such a mountain should not be a big problem.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

In the tenth year of the suppression of Daogan Mountain, a terrifying demonic energy erupted in this mountain range.

After the devilish energy spread, it caused a large number of deaths in nearby sects.

Although, afterwards, there was a righteous way who rushed to seal Dao Gan Shan.

But this strange situation has not disappeared.

After that, almost every hundred years or so, a large amount of devil qi erupted on Daogan Mountain, and the devil qi became stronger and stronger.

So that in the end, the entire Daogan Mountain, within a thousand miles, almost no living things!

The sects and sects around have also moved away.

No way, who can stand such a devilish explosion like a time bomb?

You know, every time a devilish qi erupts in Daogan Mountain, it will cause terrible casualties within a thousand miles.

No one can afford such a price!

Although, every few hundred years, there will be righteous powers to bless the seal.

However, these seals are almost useless!

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