Divine Child System

Chapter 2282: A bunch of lazy people

The elders each found excuses.

Ye Meng and Grand Elder Jayaba left the audience silent!

Of the two of them, one was not listening at all.

The other is naturally taciturn and doesn't like to talk.

Dan Xiaogui saw this and looked at Jayaba.

"Elder, or trouble you to take a trip this time!"

Hearing this, Jayaba, who has always been taciturn, shook his head again and again.

"Don't go!"

He uttered two words concisely.

The other elders around had their eyes widened.

"The third child, how long have you not heard the great elder speak?"

"It's been more than one hundred and fifty years since the great elder spoke last time!"

"Unbelievable, the great elder actually spoke!"

"My God, it seems that the Great Elder doesn't want to go!"

Dan Xiaogui's face suddenly became ugly upon hearing this.

In order to not want to lead the team, this great elder spoke for an unprecedented time!

This made him unable to force the opponent anymore.

At this point in his mind, the helpless Dan Xiaogui had to cast his eyes on Ye Meng.

"Eight... Elder Eight, would you like to go there?"

Ye Meng, who was yawning lazily, jumped up immediately after his voice came.

"Where to go? Where is this going?"

Before, he didn't even listen to a word of Zhu Yaozhi and the others.

"Go ask Daozong!"

Dan Xiaogui heard the words and explained.

"Oh, this baby fell asleep just now, I didn't hear it, Sovereign, you can say it again in detail!"

After Ye Meng heard it, he curled his lips and said milky voice.

Dan Xiaogui had no choice but to repeat the previous thing again.

Ye Meng's little face was faintly excited.

What a devilish spirit, special envoys, major sects, that's so fun, because this group of people are still pushing back and forth and don't want to go!

Immediately, Ye Meng suddenly jumped out of the chair and said milky voice.

"In that case, let the baby lead the team!"

When his voice fell, Dan Xiaogui was overjoyed in an instant.

For him, as long as someone replaces him, he doesn't care who it is.

"Good good, then there will be Elder Lao Ba!"

When the other elders saw this, they were also overjoyed.

This group of people, cultivating immortals are so lazy to cultivate.

On weekdays, even his own Dongfu would not even be willing to come out, let alone ask them to ask Daozong!

Now that Ye Meng will do them for them, it is naturally better.

"Elder Eighth, this is the sect master's order, the sect master's order is in hand, the disciples in the sect, let you choose!"

Dan Xiaogui said, he couldn't wait to take out the suzerain order from the storage ring.

"Okay, this baby got it!"

Ye Meng was honest and polite, and took over the suzerain.

Then, swaggered out.

Seeing Ye Meng's departure, Dan Xiaogui and the elders immediately high-five to celebrate, thanking them for not having to do this hard work.

However, the drudgery in their eyes was completely fun for Ye Meng.

when! when! when!

The melodious bell rang soon and spread throughout the ancient immortal gate.

This is the ancient immortal gate, specially used to gather disciples.

After a while, all the disciples of the ancient immortal gate gathered in Zongmen Square.

Many disciples looked at Ye Meng curiously, with a dazed expression on their faces.

Who is this kid in front of me? When did such a child appear in the sect?

In fact, after Ye Meng got started, Dan Xiaogui and the others didn't even go to inform the disciples of him, the Eighth Elder!

Well, this group of weird goods is so lazy!

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