Divine Child System

Chapter 2298: Infighting


Zhu Yaozhi didn't expect that the Party Jian faction would be so rude, and even ignore him as an elder.

The Dangjian faction sneered, then waved his hand.

"Take these ants down, something happened, I'll take care of it!"

Now that he had torn his face with Zhu Yaozhi, he simply didn't do it or stopped to make things worse.

In this way, he respected Master Gan Huai, and perhaps looked at him differently.

You know, Master Gan Huai has spoken ill of Zhu Yaozhi in front of his disciples more than once.

This shows that Master Gan Huai does not wait to see Zhu Yaozhi at all.


Upon seeing this, Zhu Yaozhi was furious.

This group of outer disciples, relying on Master Gan Huai, was arrogant to this level.

If not, he could not believe it if he met him personally.

"What are you doing in a daze? Come on, maybe you don't want to be promoted this year?"

Seeing the disciples around him with a somewhat hesitant look, the strong party squatted.

The disciples were shocked when they heard this.

Immediately, no one dared to neglect.

Offending errand elder Zhu Yaozhi doesn't matter, but once the elder Ganhuai is offended, they will probably be ruined in their lives!

Which is lighter and heavier, the disciples have their own scales in their hearts!

Qiang Qiang!

The crowd asked Daozong disciples, withdrawing their weapons one after another, and moved towards Ye Meng and others.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Yaozhi immediately smiled with anger.

He has seen arrogant people, but he has never seen such an arrogant person!

"Today this elder will teach you a person who has no respect for Master Gan Huai!"

It was originally a trivial matter, but at this time it almost caused Wen Daozong to fight inwardly.

At this moment, the elders of Wen Daozong headed by the great elder Lao Huli of the Inner Sect and the suzerain faction headed by the suzerain Zeng Haoren, the conflicts accumulated in the weekdays completely broke out!

Ye Meng on the side shrugged.

In response, it has nothing to do with him.

The really monolithic sect will not be like this because of his childish words.


Zhu Yaozhi and the Dangjian faction have already fought, and the two slapped each other.

The Party Jian faction was repelled by more than ten steps.

But Zhu Yaozhi is as stable as an old dog, immovable as a mountain!

After all, he is an elder, and his cultivation base is a bit higher. If he hadn't been merciful, he might have killed the party's strong faction.

As for the other disciples, they had already surrounded Ye Meng and others.

However, these disciples are also human beings.

They surrounded and did not hold, shouting and screaming in their mouths, but there was no movement in their hands.

A discerning person knows that it is already the suzerain faction and the elders faction, and they are fighting each other. If they participate in it, they might not know how to die by then!

"Elder Zhu, you ask how strange the rules of the sect of the Dao sect are, this ordinary disciple of the outer sect, can still work with the elder? Isn't this deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor!"

Ye Meng's milky childish voice rang suddenly.

As soon as the disciples of the Dao Sect who lived around them heard it, they grinned and sucked in cold air!

This Nima, this little boy is also a wolf killer, is he still fanning the flames at this time?

Doesn't he know that once things get serious and Wendaozong's face is damaged, I am afraid that at that time, whether it is the sect master or the elders, you will have to use your group of ant sect disciples!

Zhu Yao was extremely unhappy at the root of his treatment, and at this time, hearing Ye Meng's words, his heart was even more frustrated.

Take a look, this is what we asked Daozong, the first sect of the dignified East Forest Mansion, it was embarrassing before the forces of Ancient Lianxianmen!

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