Divine Child System

Chapter 2300: Copycat baby, start

"Return me Feixia..."

The Dangjian faction was stunned for a moment, then recovered, and was frightened and angry.

But it is a pity that the word Feixia Jing in his mouth has not yet been exported, and his body has already swished and flew out.

"I'm going to heaven..."

In the minds of the Party's health faction, such a thought could not be stopped.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and he only felt a sharp pain all over his body, and he lost consciousness!

"Cut, I got the things in my baby's hands, do you want to take them back?"

Ye Meng curled his lips, and murmured with milk.

He just captured the Feixia Realm, and by the way sent the Party Jian to fly!

Of course, the Party Jian faction sadly directly broke a mountain in Wendaozong. It was his own bad luck, and Ye Meng said that he would never take the blame.

As a kind and well-behaved baby, how could this baby be able to kick people off the mountain with one kick?

If anyone dares to say that, he must be slandering!

"Is this mirror still a magic weapon?"

Ye Meng took the Feixia mirror and looked at it carefully.

This Feixia mirror looks simple in shape, and the mirror surface is as smooth as jade, and I don't know what material it is made of.

As for the edges around the mirror, they were carved with flying dragons and fire phoenixes, surrounding them.

"Copycat baby, start!"

Ye Meng only took a few glances, and didn't think about it, she directly unlocked the talent of the copycat baby.

Right now, the disciples of the ancient Lianxian sect are extremely weak, let alone asking Dao sect, compared with other sects, I am afraid they have no advantage at all.

Ye Meng didn't want to solve it by himself every time.

So, he was going to make some gadgets for the disciples of the ancient Lianxian Clan.

Since the Feixia Mirror in your hand is asking what Daozong Zhenmen's treasure is, then there are a few more copies, so that the ancient Lian disciples can play with one.

After a while, the copycat Feixia mirror appeared in Ye Meng's system warehouse.

Ye Meng stayed untouched by the best-quality goods.

Some of the top-grade and good-grade Feixia realms in the cottage were sprouted by Ye Meng.

Ordinary knockoffs can already match the power of the original Feixia mirror!

For top grade and good grade, the power of the original magic weapon is added to 400% and 200%!

In this way, these disciples of the ancient refining fairy gate, even if their realm is lower, will not be completely abused!

If the strength is not enough, let's get a magic weapon!

Zhu Yaozhi, who was enveloped in the Fei Xian Dao robe, lifted the Dao robe.

Then, he happened to see Ye Meng handing out the copycat Feixia mirror.

Immediately, he was stunned!

"How can my Zong Zhibao be in the hands of a little friend? No, Wocao... why are there so many Feixia mirrors?"

Zhu Yaozhi, who has always been a gentleman, couldn't help but explode after he recovered.

Feixia mirror is an ancient magic weapon, very rare.

The entire Qiao Dao Sect adds up, and the ancient magic weapon will not exceed one palm.

But now, Ye Meng has dozens of Feixia mirrors in his hands.

For a moment, Zhu Yaozhi thought he was dazzled.

He wiped his eyes in disbelief, his face was full of horror.

"Oh, Elder Zhu, come and see, you have a share, you can also take one to play!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand and threw a Feixia mirror to Zhu Yaozhi.


Zhu Yaozhi took the Feixia Mirror blankly, as if there were 100,000 grass horses whizzing past.

"Gosh, this is true!"

After carefully feeling the terrible lethality in Feixia's mirror, Zhu Yaozhi couldn't help but scream!

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