Divine Child System

Chapter 2302: Ask Dao Sect Master

Master Gan Huai had to think so, the child's words flickered, obviously nonsense.

By doing this, isn't he hiding something for Zhu Yaozhi?

If there is no connection between this child and Zhu Yaozhi, he would not believe that he was killed.

While speaking, Master Gan Huai raised his wrist.

The next moment, there was a sharp howling in the void!

"Warning? Master Gan Huai, you are crazy!"

Upon seeing this, Zhu Yaozhi suddenly wiped a look of surprise and anger on his face.

This Nima, originally a small thing, developed into this way, even he himself didn't expect it.

The so-called warning is to summon the children of the sect to send out a distress signal!

This has undoubtedly expanded the situation further!

Therefore, Zhu Yaozhi couldn't help but regret secretly at this time.

If he hadn't been nosy, I'm afraid this wouldn't happen.

However, Ye Meng didn't care about this face, he still wanted to make things bigger!

He smiled and looked at the howling in the sky, with a happy expression on his small face.

The sharp whistle sounded three times in a row!

Immediately, the black crowd came whizzing.

In the sky, flying swords are densely packed!

"Yeah, it's so lively!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng opened his eyes and smiled.

The disciples of the ancient immortal sect around him were speechless for a while.

But at this time, they had the copycat Feixia Mirror in their hands, and they were not as panicked as before.

After all, they had just seen the power of Feixia Mirror.

"Master Gan Huai, what happened?"

In the void, a figure strode out.

This person looks about 40 years old, elegant and handsome, and quite bookish.

He asked the Dao Sect Master Zeng Haoren.

Zeng Haoren started cultivating immortals at the age of forty and went to the elder Fei Yinxiong.

Once he entered the sect, he showed his amazing talent.

In just over a hundred years, he entered the stage of transforming gods, and he was extremely talented.

Fei Yinxiong took over as the supreme master of Wendao Sect, and Zeng Haoren's status has risen even more.

However, Fei Yinxiong died unexpectedly later in an explosion of Daogan Mountain's devilish energy.

Although Zeng Haoren successfully took over the question of Daozong, because he was a scholar, he paid attention to that set of benevolence, justice and morality, which was not in line with the behavior of the immortal world.

Gradually, Yao Chuanwei, the Great Elder of the Inner Sect, gave birth to a heart of neglect and resistance.

He attracted many elders inside and outside the door, formed a presbytery force, and stood up against Zeng Haoren.

This is the reason for the infighting of Dao Sect.

Several grand elders of the ancestor-level, only cared about their own practice in retreat, and ignored the affairs of the sect at all.

As a result, Wen Daozong's internal fighting became more and more serious, and the Sect Master Zeng Haoren's faction gradually began to be at a disadvantage.

After all, Zeng Haoren pays too much attention to benevolence, justice and morality, which makes many elders and disciples disagree.

Therefore, it is normal for them to fall to the elders.


When Master Gan Huai saw the master appearing, he bowed his hand, which was regarded as a courtesy to the master.

As for the look on his face, there is no respect.

He is a member of the Great Elder faction, so naturally he has no affection for Zeng Haoren, the suzerain.

It's just that, because the other party is a suzerain after all, he can barely survive in face.

Zeng Haoren has long been accustomed to this, he frowned and asked again.

"What the **** happened that made you use the warning?"

But as soon as his voice fell, a slightly domineering voice sounded.

"The warning signal is used at the gate, naturally something big will happen. Sovereign, you are pure nonsense!"

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