Divine Child System

Chapter 2305: The sky is full of sunshine, killing you

Ye Meng's voice fell, and the disciples of the ancient immortal sect behind him did not dare to neglect, they all took out the Feixia mirror!

In an instant, more than twenty mirrors appeared in front of everyone so brightly, and the dazzling people were dizzy.

The elders such as Master Gan Huai who were pouring up, jumped with a horror, staggered, and almost fell into a shit.

"What is the situation?"

All the elders were dumbfounded.

Master Gan Huai unbelievably took out the Feixia mirror from his magic bag.

His wailing sounded instantly.

"Impossible, my Feixia mirror is still there!"

This voice entered the ears of Great Elder Yao Chuanwei who was looking bewildered.

Yaochuan Weideng was shocked, and immediately snorted coldly.

"Since your Feixia mirror is still there, the ants in this group of ants are naturally fake, so don't worry about it!"

When his voice fell, Master Gan Huai and other elders from the outer door nodded all at once.

The Great Elder is right, Feixia Mirror is an ancient magic weapon, a unique existence.

Since we asked Daozong's Feixia mirror that he didn't lose, then those in the opponent's hands are definitely fake.

What's so scary about the fake Feixia mirror?

With such thoughts, Master Gan Huai took the lead and rushed out.

At the same time, the Feixia mirror in his hand was slowly raised.

Although the great elder asked him to expel these ants, he felt that the optical expulsion was not enough to shock the sovereign Zeng Haoren.

Therefore, he felt that he would use Feixia Mirror to kill the group of ants directly to the town.

In an instant, people can see what the real Feixia mirror is!

Just as Master Gan Huai slowly raised his arm, Ye Meng's milky voice rang again.


As soon as the word "attack" came out, the Feixia mirror in the hands of the ancient Lianxian Clan disciples suddenly burst into radiance!

A ray of light, soaring into the sky, overwhelming, terrifying!

Think about it, just one Feixia mirror can create an overwhelming light, let alone more than 20 mirrors illuminate at the same time?

This is so special, it is a 360-degree, all-round, dead-angle attack!


Master Gan Huai, who took the lead, had been shot by hundreds of rays of light before he could raise his arm.

He screamed and his body instantly turned into nothingness!


The Nascent Soul in Master Gan Huai rose into the sky in a hurry, fleeing towards his camp!

Seeing this, the other elders of the Outer Sect were so frightened and shocked!

Master Gan Huai is the strongest among the Outer Sect elders, even he can't be spared, let alone them?

Immediately, these outer door elders turned around in embarrassment and fled.

But this is the case, there are still a few outer door elders who reacted a step slower, but they were shot by Feixia mirror, and their bodies instantly turned into nothingness.

After seeing this scene, the people of the other sects in the surroundings couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

too frightening!

The strength of the ancient immortal gate has always been the bottom.

The disciples in the door are withered, and they can't even take action at all.

But now, these disciples of the ancient immortal sect, although the cultivation base is already weak and pitiful, after adding a powerful magic weapon in their hands, they have exerted such a terrifying power!

For a time, all the people of the major sects shuddered.

As for the Daozong side, from the suzerain Zeng Haoren, the great elder Yao Chuanwei, to the ordinary disciples, everyone was stunned, as if they were stupid.

After asking the elders of the outer door of Daozong, he was defeated by a group of ants.

Still, I didn't even have a mobile phone meeting, and I was crushed by the other party directly!

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