Divine Child System

Chapter 2309: Mother Rong debuts

Sister Rong stepped forward in a gloomy manner, looking at Yao Chuanwei and others.

I don't know why, Rong Ming Rong didn't have the slightest breath of cultivators, but Yao Chuanwei and others were swept away by Rong Rong's eyes, but they couldn't help but be shocked!

They felt as if there was a cobra staring at them in secret.

"Xia Da, you go and block this old woman, others, take this kid with me!"

Upon seeing this, Yao Chuanwei shouted.

In the next moment, a middle-aged man with a goatee flew out and slaughtered towards Mother Rong!

This person is the summer tyrant in the mouth of Yao Chuanwei. He ranks eighth in the Wendao Sect, and his strength is quite extraordinary.

Xia Da slapped out a palm, and the wind was blowing in the void!

The violent wind that swept across, with a force of destruction, slammed toward Mother Rong!

At this moment, countless golden lights flashed in the void.

Whoosh whoosh!

Jin Mang went straight to Xia Da with a whistling sound.


The trembling sound of ecstasy came from the mouth of Summer Ba.

When Yao Chuanwei and others around heard this, their hearts trembled together.

Soon, they couldn't help turning their heads to look.


At the next moment, the voice of Yao Chuanwei and others inhaling cold breath came out.

I saw that Xia Da, the eighth elder of Daozong dignifiedly, seemed to have become a golden hedgehog.

His whole body was filled with gold needles everywhere, densely packed, and with the shaking of his body, he kept trembling lightly!

"Gosh, what is this!"

"My mother, Elder Xia has become a hedgehog!"

"This terrible old lady is so terrifying? Even Elder Xia is not her enemy?"

"Terror, it's terrifying, it's terrifying!"

The exclamation sounded again, one after another.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts me!"

Xia Ba roared again and again, like a beast with a wounded head, and kept roaring sternly.

Yao Chuanwei and the others, only heard the knees soften, and almost fell to his knees so straight.

You know, this summer tyrant can be considered a tough guy on weekdays.

Even if he was injured sometimes, he treated him like a okay person.

But at this moment, he completely lost what a tough guy should have, and rolled around in pain!

"It's your turn!"

Mother Rong gave a gloomy smile, and immediately waved her wrist!


Countless golden lights flashed out again.

The few rushing in front asked the elders of the Dao Inner Sect, and suddenly fell over and turned into hedgehogs!

In just such a round of attacks, the eleven inner door elders fell halfway down.

The remaining elders didn't dare to move.

Yao Chuanwei's eyes were splitting and thunderous!

At this time, Ye Meng's wrist waved again.

At the next moment, a bald man with a big light head and wretched face suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This person is surprisingly bald and weak!

"The bald head is weak, come on!"

Ye Meng's milky childish voice rang.

Hearing the words, the bald head responded, and immediately, the chainsaw in his hand roared!



With the bald and weak chainsaw swinging, an elder evaded him and was cut into pieces immediately!

Only a little Yuan Ying ran away in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, everyone, including Yao Chuanwei, sank to the bottom!

This is so terrifying, a dead old woman, a dead bald man!

Not to mention, that cute kid in front of me!

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