Divine Child System

Chapter 2319: Gluttonous phantom

"All come with this baby!"

Ye Meng ignored Zeng Haoren and waved at everyone.

Immediately, he flew out and flew towards Daogan Mountain.

When everyone saw this, they were suddenly surprised.

"Keep up all!"

Zeng Haoren gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

To be honest, according to his original intention, he didn't want to approach Daogan Mountain at all.

Because the devilish energy released from there is really terrifying.

The closer they get to Daogan Mountain, the greater the loss of the immortal power in their cultivators.

Back then, there used to be many monks who came to transform gods.

When he left, his realm had fallen to the Yuan Ying stage.

You know, those lost powers are permanently lost.

Therefore, it will cause a terrible situation where the realm falls.

Now Ye Meng rushed towards Daogan Mountain rashly.

Naturally, Zeng Haoren was very embarrassed.

After hesitating, everyone followed Zeng Haoren and flew slowly towards Daogan Mountain.

And Ye Meng had already run away.

"Yeah, if this ancient gluttonous food is swallowed several times, I am afraid it will be reborn!"

Ye Meng felt the ubiquitous swallowing power and frowned.

A strand of remnant soul can actually be swallowed to the point where it is about to be reborn, one can imagine how much power and how many creatures this gluttonous swallowed.

Otherwise, how could it hang on and grow continuously instead?

Gourmet is the most greedy thing.

It can be said that swallowing everything.

When Ye Meng first came to Azure Star Ancheng, she was still framed as a gluttonous physique.

Isn't it because of him that he eats all kinds of messy things?

"Fantastic eyes!"

Ye Meng snorted softly, and two golden glows shot out from his eyes.

After Jinmang shot, it swept across Daogan Mountain.

The next moment, a gluttonous phantom with a frightening aura appeared in front of Ye Meng.

"So you guys are hiding here!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng's little face suddenly showed a hint of joy.

Gourmet is very edible, but no matter how good it is, can Ye Meng eat with him?

With a thought, Ye Meng's figure flew towards the gluttonous phantom instantly.

"Ignorant ants, Ann dare to disturb the emperor!"

Taotie Xuying obviously also spotted Ye Meng, and it let out a thunderous roar.

This voice unexpectedly appeared directly in Ye Meng's mind.

"Cut, return the emperor? In front of the baby, even the emperor is useless!"

Ye Meng curled his lips when he heard the words, with a look of disdain.

Those who can claim to be the emperor at least show that this gluttonous glutton, before his death, was the emperor, or even above the emperor.

This is placed in the immortal wasteland today, and it can naturally crush all the strong.

But in the ancient times, I am afraid it is not enough.

"Damn human kid, get out, get out, or the emperor will be angry!"

Gourmet Xuying saw Ye Meng's disapproving look, and instinctively gave birth to a bad feeling in his heart.

However, it is at a critical moment of rebirth.

Whether it can condense into a physical body depends on the swallowing of these waves.

If he is interrupted now, his whole million years of hard work will be in vain!

This is the result it absolutely cannot accept.

Therefore, it must stop the child's behavior!

Taotie Xuying kept thinking in his heart, but it was a pity that it had not yet condensed its physical body at this time.

The remnant soul was even trapped in this dark cave, unable to move at all!

Ye Meng slid and rushed into the cave ahead.

The gluttonous shadow is in this cave!

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