Divine Child System

Chapter 2329: Special envoy arrives

"Okay, don't think about it, it's too early for my baby to leave!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand and said milky voice.

A disciple forced the palace, and he disappeared invisible.

One day later, the legendary special envoy of the fairyland finally appeared on stage.

The entire Wen Daozong began to get busy.

Everywhere, I asked the busy figure of Daozong disciples.

Various arrangements and preparations are readily available.

However, this has nothing to do with Ye Meng.

Asking the sect master of Dao, and the sect masters of other sects, have already begun to meet the special envoy.

After a while, Zeng Haoren and others walked slowly, surrounded by a few young people dressed, obviously different from Donglin Mansion.

Among these few young people who are unpretentious, there are special envoys.

"Sect Master Zeng, I'm interested!"

Walking in the forefront, the young man who seemed to be walking steadily, his expression steady, nodded slightly when he saw the layout around him.

After hearing this, Zeng Haoren was happy, knowing that his arrangements were not in vain.

But on the lips, he dare not dare to talk and is humble.

Special envoy Bai Jiazhi, a son of the Bai family in the fairyland, was born in a direct lineage and has a distinguished status.

But this is not the key, the key is that he is still a disciple of the top sect of the Xianhuangyu-Nebula Palace.

Although, Bai Jiazhi is not a figure at the Young Master level of the Nebula Palace.

However, for a small place like Donglin Mansion, it was already an unattainable big man.

Now, he replaces the Nebula Palace, guarding the sects of various territories.

Like Zeng Haoren, how dare to offend him?

"I heard that the devilish disaster that has plagued Donglin Mansion for thousands of years has been eliminated by your newly-rising genius?"

But then, Bai Jiazhi's voice rang faintly again.

His words sounded a bit unpleasant in it.

Although the sect masters present are not strong in cultivation, they can naturally tell which one is not a human spirit.

Immediately, the hearts of the major sect masters all thumped.

This white envoy seems to be a little unhappy about this?

But think about it, the last time a senior from the Nebula Palace arrived at Daogan Mountain in person.

Then after tossing for a long time, he announced that this devilish energy was an ancient thing, even though it was difficult to eliminate it.

Now, Ye Meng suddenly lost his devilish energy, didn't she just hit the senior Nebula Palace in the face?

By the way, what is the name of this Senior Nebula Palace?

Crazy memories in the heads of each suzerain.

After a while, their faces looked ugly.

This senior in the Nebula Palace is surprisingly Bai Jiazhi's Master Wuyong Immortal.

The so-called Immortal Venerable, naturally, is not the real fairy in the legend.

Rather, after the cultivation base reached the Tribulation Period, the immortal world gave this group of superpowers an honorific title, called Immortal Venerable.

The devilish disaster that even Immortal Venerable Wuyong could not crack was now cracked by the native genius of Donglin Mansion.

This naturally made Bai Jiazhi, a disciple of the Nebula Palace, feel quite upset.

What's more, Wuyong Xianzun is still his master.

"That... that, just a fluke!"

Zeng Haoren bit his head and replied.

Bai Jiazhi heard the words and smiled.

"Ha ha ha, Sect Master Zeng is really humble!"

There was a smile on his face.

When everyone saw this, their hearts became more and more panic.

This is really a disaster.

Your great abilities and predecessors in the fairyland can't solve the problem, we can solve it ourselves, so what has offended you?

As the native suzerain of Donglin Mansion who faced the evil spirit, he was naturally grateful to Ye Meng, who helped them solve the hidden dangers that had troubled them for thousands of years.

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