Divine Child System

Chapter 2342: Horrible magic weapon

"Here, you take these magic weapons, no matter who is in the Nebula Palace, just make a sudden sudden sudden death of them!"

Ye Meng waved his hand and threw the magic weapon.


Suddenly, Wen Daozong's square was filled with various weapons.

All the major sect masters present were stunned.

What are these things?

Can they deal with the strong in Nebula Palace?

How can it look so unreliable?

"Little sir, could this be a magic weapon?"

Zeng Haoren asked Ye Meng in a low voice.

For this group of indigenous people, they naturally do not know what modern high-tech weapons are.

Not to mention, this is something that has been modified by Ye Mengmo.

Therefore, Zeng Haoren subconsciously regarded it as a magic weapon, but it is understandable.

"You can understand it as a magic weapon!"

Ye Meng waved her small hand when she heard the words, and said milky voice.

"Oh I see!"

Zeng Haoren felt disappointed when he heard it.

Relying on the magic weapon alone, wanting to beat the powerhouse of Nebula Palace, some daydreaming.

They have a magic weapon. Isn't it possible that the powerhouse of Nebula Palace is gone?

Zeng Haoren thought in his heart, and secretly shook his head.

His heart gradually sank to the bottom.

When Ye Meng saw this, he knew what he was thinking immediately.

"Don't you know if you try?"

While talking, he explained to Zeng Haoren how to use these magic weapons.

Zeng Haoren stepped forward suspiciously and picked up an AK47 casually.

When the surrounding masters saw this, they all became curious.

Did Sect Master Zeng really believe Ye Meng's words?

They believed in Ye Meng's strength.

But if he could solve the powerful enemy of Nebula Palace, everyone would not believe it at all.

The Nebula Palace can stand in the fairyland for tens of thousands of years. How can a little kid solve it?

In the crowd's disdain, shaking their heads, or sighing, Zeng Haoren took up the magic weapon and opened fire!

Da da da!

The next moment, the roar of shooting sounded instantly.


Amid the sound of the shooting, a mountain in the distance exploded and turned into powder.

The sky is full of dust, flying up, straight into the sky, and the momentum is terrifying!


The major sect masters widened their eyes, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

What magic weapon is this so terrifying?

Zeng Haoren himself was shocked, he never expected that the magic weapon in his hand would be so terrible.

The magic weapon that can destroy the mountain in an instant is rare.

You know, the mountain that Zeng Haoren shot just now is not an ordinary mountain.

It is said that this was transformed by the ancient god's torso, and its hardness was comparable to that of a monk who had survived the nine days of thunder tribulation.

Therefore, most magic weapons let them hurt people without any problems.

But let them destroy such a mountain, it is as difficult as climbing.

Fei Xia Jing, the town's magic weapon of Wen Daozong, is already considered a powerful magic weapon!

However, Feixia mirror's beam shining on this mountain peak left a white mark at most.

And now, the magic weapon given by Ye Meng could even destroy the ancient gods in an instant, which was incredible to the extreme.

"This group of magic weapons, the more people use, the stronger the power, you all try it!"

Ye Meng's milky childish voice rang again.

The other sect masters around heard this, and their hearts were immediately happy.

Immediately, everyone rushed towards the magic weapon.

If this is the case, then why should they fear the Nebula Palace?

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