Divine Child System

Chapter 2352: You robber, incompetent

"The old rules of the flying bandits, hand over your belongings and leave!"

Du Yanlong's voice sounded, with a trace of ferocity.

However, Ye Meng heard a kind of deliberately pretending to be fierce from his mouth.

"It seems that this is a group of robbers who have not yet wiped out their conscience!"

Ye Meng murmured secretly in his heart.

"In that case, the baby will only knock them back!"

While his thoughts flashed, Ye Meng's figure burst out suddenly.

His speed was extremely fast, like a flash of lightning, and he rushed to Du Yanlong and the others in an instant.

Du Yanlong and the others were shocked when they saw this.

They have not seen all kinds of powerful monks.

However, in terms of speed alone, it seems that no one can match the kid in front of me!

"not good!"

The first thing to react was Du Yanlong, the strongest cultivation base, and he exclaimed in shock.

Unfortunately, Ye Meng's speed far exceeded their imagination.

In the blink of an eye, Du Yanlong had fallen into Ye Meng's hands.

At the same time, Ye Meng flew up.

The group of flying bandits behind Du Yanlong flew out in an instant.

Boom boom boom!

Countless figures fell from the air, their noses and faces swollen.

Fortunately, all of them are monks, otherwise, just falling from this mid-air, I am afraid they will be smashed into meat sauce.

Zeng Haoren was completely dumbfounded. In his eyes, the terrifying flying bandit was so easily beaten by Ye Meng?

He wiped his eyes in disbelief, but the facts before him told him accurately that it was true.

"My God, how terrible is this little gentleman?"

By now, Zeng Haoren realized that Ye Meng was completely invisible.

Before killing Wuyong Immortal Venerable and slinging them to ask Daozong, Zeng Haoren still believed that Ye Meng relied on something outside of his body.

For example, magic weapon, entourage, etc.

But now it seems that the young man can also slap a piece without relying on any magic weapon.

Du Yanlong was also dumbfounded. He was a robber, not to mention it for a hundred years.

But it has never been once, so embarrassed.

Before they even had time to make a move, they were defeated.

Even, he fell into the hands of this child.

"I don't know, what will he do with me? I'm afraid he will kill me directly? After all, I am a fierce flying bandit!"

Du Yanlong laughed miserably, he discovered for the first time that being a robber was not as wonderful as he thought.

Ye Meng ignored Zeng Haoren's shocked look, and his eyes fell on Du Yanlong.

"Old man, you robber, you seem to be a little incompetent?"

Du Yanlong was taken aback for a moment when the child's voice of milk and milk came out.

Is he incompetent as a robber?

What does this mean?

"What an idiot, this baby is talking about you. No one has killed a few, so he just came to be a robber!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng curled his lips and said with milk.

When the voice fell, Du Yanlong suddenly smiled bitterly.

If judged on this point, it is really incompetent.

However, he Du Yanlong believes in the principle of thief.

He never moved the weak and poor monks.

Some female generations, Du Yanlong and his brother, have never been surprised, at most they just robbed some money.

However, Du Yanlong would never let it go if they met those big families and rich monks.

Of course, they will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

However, it is inevitable for the other party to lose money and avoid disaster.

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