Divine Child System

Chapter 2365: Bought most of Liyang City

Buy buy buy!

Ye Meng's team is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, a long rolling dragon formed.

"Boss Song, it's been a long time since I saw you, are you here to spread?"

"The steps of your sister, Lao Tzu was bought, did you see, just the little boss in front!"

"I went, you were also bought? I thought it was only me!"

"It turns out that Boss Fang was also bought by the little boss, hahaha, congratulations!"

In the crowd, there was a continuous noise.

But some familiar shopkeepers and businessmen greeted each other.

Don’t ask, don’t know, just ask the next hop.

Seeing that there was a crowd of miles long in Duteye, it turned out to be a doll owner named Ye Meng who bought them.

Everyone was surprised and amused, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

This Nima, how much wealth does it take to have such a huge handwriting?

You know, these shops, shopkeepers, etc., are not purchased at the original price, but at an irresistible price.

Only then can this group of profiteers be willing to sell themselves!

Just like the previous boss of Song, he runs a pastry shop.

Although the shop is not big, it is a Wannian store.

It is said that his former ancestor of eight hundred generations opened this pastry shop when Liyang City was only a small market town.

Passed down from generation to generation, the reputation is getting bigger and bigger.

As a result, the big sects, like immortals, would order the cakes of Boss Song’s house at every banquet.

It is conceivable that the value of this ten-thousand-year-old store is so terrifying?

However, the boss of Song was able to sell his own 10,000-year-old shop that has been handed down for eight hundred generations.

If Ye Meng's price cannot make him unable to refuse, will he agree?

In fact it is the same!

However, what Ye Meng offered was not the price of immortal stone, but the practice technique.

You know, Song's pastry shop has a strong reputation.

However, the Song family has never met with Xiuxian from generation to generation, even if they are infinitely fond of the major sects.

The major sects have never considered accepting their descendants into sects.

Even some superficial methods of prolonging life and longevity were not passed on to them.

Therefore, when Ye Meng threw a royal-level immortal cultivation technique to Boss Song directly, and personally promoted Boss Song's son from the mortal body to the Yuan Ying period.

Boss Song immediately knelt. Where can I find such opportunities?

You can cultivate immortals, what kind of cakes are you selling?

Therefore, Boss Song became the queen pastry chef beside Ye Meng and began to reach the pinnacle of life.

Other businessmen have similar experiences.

They either succumbed to the temptation of immortal stones, or succumbed to exercises, magic weapons and so on.

In a word, now most of Liyang City is named Ye!

And what did Ye Meng give?

Just moved his fingers.

This is the difference. The major sects have been operating Liyang City for nearly ten thousand years, and they have been cautious with each other, breaking the balance between the sects in their lives!

Then, who wants to kill Xiaoyemeng halfway through.

All of a sudden, the master control of Liyang City was taken away!

"Little brother, can you still buy it? I looked at Liyang City, and now only a small number of shops in Chengbei District have not bought it! By the way, there are residential areas!"

Shen Hongye looked at the long dragon behind him, and became energetic as he spoke.

He seemed to feel the beauty of being the head of the Shen family when he was in Ancheng.

Therefore, he wanted to suggest that Ye Meng had already bought it, so it's better to just sweep away Liyang City.

Of course, there are some areas, Shen Hongye did not mention.

Because this is the territory of the major sects, it is better not to touch them for the time being!

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