Divine Child System

Chapter 2369: Passed through template physique


Lao Yousui jumped up from the ground and left without looking back.

He received a violent beating for nothing, of course he was not convinced.

However, he couldn't beat it again.

What now?

Rescue soldiers!

It is useful to rely on him alone.

Therefore, Lao Yousui withdrew without any hesitation.

As for the deal, he immediately took it as a whisper.

"Ahem, this little friend, the poor way is just what you said before, it's a childish word, so don't care about it with you, you should leave sooner, don't affect Liyang City!"

The monk in the Nebula Palace shook his head and turned away.

This time he turned, a Moon God Palace Sister who was standing beside him also turned and left.

The nun didn't even put her words down.

It can be seen that she felt that Ye Meng was messing around with children.

As soon as the people from the four major sects leave, those from the first-line sects also walk seven or eight.

The truth is the same as the four major sects, in the entire Immortal Wasteland, it is impossible for anyone to have a deeper foundation than these sects.

Therefore, this group of people would really take Ye Meng's words as the same thing.

In just a moment, dozens of monks left, only three or two big cats and kittens were left.

Naturally, these remaining sects are not much stronger.

They are the weakest sects in the fairyland.

Although these sects have some history, they have one thing in common.

That is, they are so poor that they can't open the pot!

It is precisely because of this that the monks of these sects, in fact, their suzerain, all stayed.

"This, little...little sir, what you just said is true?"

After hesitating for a long time, among the remaining cultivators, a young man with a dreadful temperament walked out and asked Ye Meng.

After this young man with a silky temperament stood up, Ye Meng's eyes suddenly wiped out a look of surprise.

"It turned out to be a system owner again, and it's still an inactive system!"

Ye Meng's heart moved, the immortal wasteland is the immortal wasteland, and in just half a day, he met three people with systems.

The next moment, he said silently.

"Fantastic eyes!"

Suddenly, a line of information appeared on the head of this young man with a slender temperament.

Character: Li Hang

Status: Not traversed

System: Super Zongmen System (not activated)

Realm: Yuan Ying Yizhong

Zongmen situation: Sect Master Xuanyuan of the Gradeless Zongmen, Zongmen Residency: Outskirts of Liyang City, Zongmen Buildings: One Dilapidated Sect Master Hall (Wooden House), 1 Dilapidated Kitchen, Free Area 200 Square Meters, Number of Disciples : 0 people!

In my mind: I want to sell the broken sect and give myself a chance to counterattack.

Seeing this line of information, Ye Meng's heart suddenly fell.

This, Li Hang, might be an object to be traversed in the future.

I just don't know, when this guy will be crossed.

"It seems that this baby has to hurry up!"

Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth and murmured secretly.

The sect system is of course useful.

Being able to make up for the functions that his bear child system did not have, Ye Meng would naturally not miss this opportunity.

Therefore, he is determined to win this super sect system.

Of course, don't worry about seizing the system for now, let's talk about the sale first!

Thinking in his heart, Ye Meng looked at Li Hang.

"Report yourself a price in your heart, whether it's immortal stone, or exercise method, immortal magic, magic weapon, pill, heavenly material and earth treasure, let you make a price!"

Ye Meng's voice fell, and the remaining cultivators took a breath.

This kid, what a big tone!

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