Divine Child System

Chapter 2378: Play in the dungeon

After chatting with Devil Boy Nezha for a while, Ye Meng had a certain understanding of his plot.

This devil boy Nezha is obviously not a traditional conferred **** plane.

Basically, it has been tampered with.

However, Ye Meng didn't care about it. Anyway, there are so many Nezha, one more distinctive, it is also very good!

"My mother called me, let's talk about Brother Ye Meng next time!"

In just a few moments, the magic boy Nezha had already become acquainted with Ye Meng.

He said hello to Ye Meng and hurriedly went offline!

Several other roles are still not online.

Ye Meng thought for a while and left a voice for Ye Xuan.

"Brother, remember to leave me a message in the group when you have time!"

After sending this voice, Ye Meng also withdrew from the hundreds of millions of universe chat groups.

The city of Liyang hasn't been settled yet. I'll talk about group chat later.

Anyway, he can receive messages from group members anytime and anywhere.

After quitting the group chat, Ye Meng discovered that with the four sects of Liuyunmen, Mountain Rock Sect, Hundred Sword Sect, and Haoran League as the center, a wall of about a hundred meters high had been built around.

One hundred feet is three hundred meters, and I don’t know how the system does this.

Ye Meng even saw a group of Lanxiang excavators floating in the air, constantly raising the fence.

This is simply the rhythm to seal the sky.

"Not bad, my baby is very satisfied!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

However, to build such a huge project, even the Lanxiang excavator produced by the system will not be completed in a short while.

Ye Meng, who had nothing to do, suddenly sounded the copy he created not long ago.

"Call Lao Shen and Bao Lao two, and go to the copy together!"

Ye Meng thought with joy.

The next moment, the childish voice of his milky voice was heard.

"Old Shen, second Bao, come here!"

The voice fell, and Shen Hongye and Bao Lao Er, who were watching the bald and weak construction, suddenly ran over.

"Little brother, what's the matter?"

Shen Hongye asked with a smile.

Judging from the look on Ye Meng's face, it seemed to be a good thing.

Bao's second child on the side thinks so too.

"Go, let this baby go to the copy!"

Ye Meng said something with milk, and immediately waved his small hand.

In the next moment, he, Shen Hongye, and Bao's second child disappeared from where they were.

When their eyes light up again, they have already appeared in the copy of "Plants vs. Bag Second".

At this moment, Ye Meng's trio had all become plant camp identities.

Ye Meng is a pea shooter, Shen Hongye is a grinning sunflower, and Bao Lao Er is a wall fruit.

Unlike other plants, their appearance shows their faces impressively.

Ye Meng could even see that Shen Hongye's old face was on the grinning sunflower.

Also, the same is true of the Qiangguo next to him, the little fat face of Bao's second child.

Without thinking about it, Ye Meng knew that his pea shooter at this time must be the same as Shen Hongye and Bao's second child, with his small face.

"Hahaha, fun!"

Ye Meng was immediately happy, such a fun copy, really interesting.

At this time, the battle obviously hasn't started yet, and the rival Bao's **** have not yet appeared.

"Brother, where is this? Why can't I move?"

"Hahaha, old Shen, you have become a sunflower, making me laugh so hard!"

The voices of Shen Hongye and Bao Lao Er sounded at the same time.

Ye Meng heard this, and the childish voice of milky milk came out.

"This is a copy, just play hard!"

Ye Meng's voice just fell, and a strange sound of music rang.

"Hallelujah, Hallelujah..."

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