Divine Child System

Chapter 2384: It's really big this time

"My baby is thinking, should I curse you to death too!"

Ye Meng tilted his head and looked at the Fayan Sect disciples around him.

After the voice of his milky and milky child came out, the Fayan Sect disciples around him suddenly trembled.

thump! thump! thump!

In the next moment, the disciples of the Fa-yan sect knelt to the ground, shivering!

This is the crush of Chi Guoguo, no one will laugh at them for being timid and cowardly!

Upon seeing this, Ye Meng gritted her little teeth.

He just wanted to speak, when the Sect Master Fayan nonsense appeared.

In addition to nonsense, there were also several elders of Fayan Sect who also appeared in front of Ye Meng.

"Where is the evildoer, dare to be presumptuous in my Fa Yan Sect?"

Nonsense looked gloomy, and anger loomed in his eyes.

Luan Yu, his confidant, is dead?

Moreover, a group of Fayan sect disciples actually kneeled to the ground?

Let the nonsense that was originally in a bad mood become more and more angry.

Today, because of Ye Meng's acquisition of the major sects, so nonsense was condemned when he met the elder Wen Yi of Killing Palace.

Although this matter had nothing to do with nonsense, Wen Yi, the elder of Killing God Palace, directly vented his dissatisfaction on him.

Returning to the nonsense of the sect, there is still time to rest in the future.

I felt the fall of Luan Yu!

That is, how can the anger in his heart be restrained?

Ye Meng raised his head and glanced at Nonsense and the others, with a daze on his face.

"You are the Sect Master of Fayan Sect!"

"I can't tell, how can a wretched man like you still be the lord?"

Nonsense looks pretty handsome, but because of perennial flattery to kill the shrine.

So that the words and deeds inevitably carry a hint of humility, how wretched it is.

After hearing the nonsense, his face was full of murder.

There is nowhere to vent his anger, and now the child just hit the gun.

"Sect Master, leave this little beast to me!"

Upon seeing this, an elder on the side stood up immediately.

His name is Suo Xiahua, and he is one of the faithful running dogs of nonsense, and he is best at observing words and colors.

Now, seeing nonsense furious, he naturally understands why nonsense is angry.

Therefore, sharing the worries for the suzerain and master is part of his as a running dog!

Nonsense nodded after hearing the words.

Immediately, Suo Xiahua sneered and looked at Ye Meng.

"Little beast, if you dare to be presumptuous in my Fayan Sect, you will be condemned by heaven!"

This is also the ability to speak out the law, but it is not as straightforward as the Thunder Summoning Technique and the Summoning Saint King.

After all, Suo Xiahua didn't even know it. Luan Yu had already fought Ye Meng just now.

Otherwise, with Suo Xiahua's 100 courage, he would not dare to be so casual.

Suo Xiahua waited triumphantly after speaking.

He is waiting for God, God condemns this child!

But he waited left and right, waiting for a long time, but there was no movement in the sky.

"It's weird, what's going on?"

Suo Xiahua was almost dumbfounded.

The nonsense and others around are also dumbfounded.

"Zong... Sect Master, he just fought with Elder Luan Yu, and Elder Luan Yu was cursed to death by him!"

A kneeling disciple, seeing the Sect Master everywhere, became courageous, and said weakly.

As soon as this remark came out, nonsense and others were shocked.

After working for a long time, this kid is also a master of spoofing.

It's big, it's really big this time!

Suo Xiahua's face blushed, and he became frustrated.

This is a shame for him, making him feel a little embarrassed.

Immediately, he took a deep breath and shouted.

"God in the sky, listen to my orders and kill this thief!"

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