Divine Child System

Chapter 2388: Furious Killing Shrine

"It was the kid who bought the shop that killed the young master!"

The elder who killed the palace quickly said.

Hearing this, the elder Wen Yi, the Supreme Elder, burst out with a terrifying breath.

The terrifying aura spread out, and the elder of the Killing Palace was suddenly overturned.

"Dare to kill the grandson of the old man, for fear of dead words, I don't know how to write!"

A voice full of killing intent came from the elder Wen Yi.

In the whole hall, the temperature dropped instantly, and the surrounding stern cold air surged out.

"Pass the elder's order, mobilize the manpower, and immediately arrest this little beast!"

The voice came, and the elder of Killing Palace, who was overturned to the ground, quickly got up.

"Yes, too elder!"

Wen Yi also learned the news when he killed Duguzui, the lord of the palace, when he was dispatching troops.

"Wen Shihua actually died in the hands of a child? No wonder Wen Yi was furious!"

"However, I will kill the line of the Palace Lord and the elders, and live in peace for generations!"

"Since your grandson has fallen into the hands of the villain, the Lord of the Palace should help you!"

Dugu's thoughts flashed, and suddenly stood up.

The next moment, his majestic voice spread out.

"Send the order of the Lord of the Palace, and fully cooperate with the Supreme Elder to arrest the murderer!"

Following the elder Wen Yi, the palace lord Duguzui's two orders were passed on.

The entire Palace of Killing, like a sophisticated machine, is running quickly!

Just a stick of incense is not in time, all the information of Ye Meng has been fed back to Wen Yi and Du Gu Zui.

"A soil bun from Donglin Mansion? It's just outrageous!"

Seeing the data, it was stated that Ye Meng was born in the ancient immortal gate of Donglin Mansion, Wen Yi suddenly jumped into thunder!

A small country bunny, dare to kill his love grandson?

"Where is this soil bun now?"

"Returning to the elder Taishang, he seems to have acquired Flowing Cloud Gate, and he is currently in Flowing Cloud Gate!"

"Kill, kill the Liuyunmen immediately and slaughter these people completely!"

After Wen Yi's furious voice sounded, the disciples of the elder's family of Killing God Palace were dispatched one after another!

On the other side of Dugu Zui, a look of curiosity couldn't be stopped on his face.

He couldn't figure out why a monk from a small place could kill the young master Wen Shihua.

Although, Wen Shihua belongs to the bottom of the young master.

However, no matter what, he was still countless times stronger than a monk in a small place.

"The **** of the Four Killers, always monitors the every move of the Liuyunmen, and promptly reply to the Lord of the Palace!"

"In addition, arrange manpower to assist the Supreme Elder!"

Order after order, communicated.

Countless disciples who killed the gods rushed towards the Liuyunmen with a boundless murderous aura.

Today, they don't mind creating a **** murder.

They want to let the world know that if they dare to commit them to kill the palace, they will never let it go easily!

Saw a group of people killing the disciples of the palace, swarming towards Liuyunmen.

The major forces in Liyang City suddenly boiled.

To be honest, after Ye Meng made such a big move, the people of the major forces had already had an extremely bad impression of Ye Meng as a child.

After that, he went to Liuyunmen to build a flyover unscrupulously.

This not only affects the surrounding sects such as the Hundred Swordsmen, but other large and small sects will be affected more or less.

Therefore, at this time the major forces wished to see Ye Meng unlucky.

Immediately, many monks took the opportunity to fly towards Liuyunmen.

They are going to watch the fun!

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