Divine Child System

Chapter 2390: With the power of a god-level good baby

The universe is reversed, yin and yang are in chaos.

This is based on Ye Meng's special physique, Liu Feifei and Liu Youyou's special physique, a joint skill specially created for the two of them!

The power of this skill is terrifying!

After activation, it can instantly reverse the universe and reverse yin and yang!

To put it simply, within the skill range, heaven and earth will be completely reversed, day and night will be completely reversed!


A shocked cry came from Xia Liupei's mouth.

Because he suddenly found that he was hanging upside down in the air.

The earth has become the sky, and the sky has become the earth!

His body is constantly floating!

"Hateful, how is this possible?"

"My Xia Liu Pei Tang Mahayana monk, isn't even the opponent of two country girls?"

In Xia Liupei's heart, she couldn't help but began to doubt her life!

The other disciples of the Killing Palace in the surroundings also felt the movement of the universe turned upside down and the yin and yang rebelled against chaos.

They flew in one after another.

The next moment, when they saw Xia Liupei floating in mid-air, they couldn't stop taking a breath.

At this time, Xia Liupei is no longer as handsome and handsome as before!

His physical body gradually began to dry up.

The skin that was as smooth as jade began to become wrinkled, like an old man.

After reversing yin and yang, it is not just a representative, day and night are reversed!

Even the life and death qi in Xia Liupei's body was completely reversed.

Xia Liupei, who was a big living person, was of course more angry than lifeless.

But after the reversal, lifelessness replaced anger, and of course Xia Liupei quickly became old.

When lifelessness completely fills his body, it is also when he is killed!

"My God, what is going on?"

"How many little girls are so scary?"

"It's not easy to provoke, I know, how can people who can buy Liyang City unscrupulously provoke them?"

"Can't make it right, they forged the identity of Donglin Mansion!"

A group of other monks from the sect who ran to watch the excitement, after seeing this scene, couldn't help crying in amazement.

Although they are from the big sect of the immortal wasteland.

But, I have never seen such a terrible spell.

This is tantamount to reversing the rules of heaven!

Although the scope of the reversal is not large, only one square meter, but this is already scary enough!

"Kill, kill these demons!"

Sha Pei shouted angrily, another young master of the Killing Palace.

His voice fell, and the surrounding disciples of the Killing Palace attacked towards Liu Feifei's three daughters.

"Borrow the power of a god-level good baby and give me skills!"

Tangtang's little face also showed a serious look.

The god-level good baby system has been created by Ye Meng.

Although, this system is still lying in Ye Meng's system warehouse.

However, Tangtang, as a destiny alien, can easily borrow the power of the good baby system!

"Ding! The sojourner successfully borrowed his power and acquired a temporary skill-it's hanging!"

"Hanging up: The magic-change-level group skill can mark anyone who is hostile to the sojourner. After detonation, the marked object will be instantly beaten!"

Tangtang's thinking is still very simple now.

She doesn't know what is called "Jifeidan", she only saw that it was a group skill, and she immediately became happy!

The next moment, a soft and Nuonuo voice came from her mouth.

"Mark all enemies!"


The sound fell, and the audience suddenly heard a crackling sound!

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