Divine Child System

Chapter 2393: All become dogs

Ye Meng was very satisfied. It couldn't be more appropriate to deal with men's watches like Xia Liupei's smashing.

Soon, the special needle in Rong's hand pierced Xia Liupei's body.

The next moment, a miserable wailing sounded instantly.

Xia Liupei's voice overwhelmed the howling monks!

No way, this special piercing watch was so terrible that Xia Liupei, who was almost dying, broke out with the loudest voice!

This voice, with a distinct vibrato, made people feel goosebumps.

The monks who were still wailing stopped howling together.

They looked at Xia Liupei with horror.

What terrible pain can make him make such a scream?

Everyone can't imagine!

However, they do not intend to experience such a taste.

"Ba La La Little Demon Fairy, change!"

Ye Meng didn't know when he got up, a magic wand appeared in his hand.

He waved his wrist, and the magic halo appeared instantly.

In the next moment, except for Xia Liupei, all the disciples of the Palace of Killing became dogs!

What Erha, Chow Chow, Teddy, Labrador... and even Tibetan Mastiff.

It was another young master, Shape, who became the Tibetan Mastiff.

"Put these guys down and let them go to kill the shrine and walk the dog!"

Ye Meng's milky voice sounded.

The monks who were seeing the dead souls fought once again in a cold war.

Too vicious!

It's all about walking the dogs, but these dogs are clearly wearing costumes that kill the disciples of the shrine!

What a...

The melon-eating cultivators present can already imagine the scene after they sneaked into the palace of killing the disciples of the palace!

The child in front of him is simply afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

They felt that they should withdraw their previous evaluation of Tangtang.

The real devil is this little boy like a porcelain doll!

However, no one dared to resist Ye Meng's order!

The melon-eating monks, obediently slid to kill the disciples of the palace, and went toward the palace.

"Go, go with this baby to see the excitement!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng patted the chair.

The chair he was sitting on suddenly flew up.

There was auspicious cloud under the chair, which looked extremely dazzling.

This is a small spell. Although it looks magical, it is actually not worth mentioning. All the gods and immortals of the three realms present will be!

Seeing Ye Meng flying up, Shen Hongye and others also flew into the sky.

As for Mother Rong, he was left here by Ye Meng and continued to torment Xia Liupei.

A group of people roared away in the air.

On the ground, dozens of melon-eating cultivators slid a group of disciples of the Killing Temple who turned into dogs and rushed toward the Killing Temple aggressively.

This scene is really so harmonious, people can't help but praise, long live peace!

"All the gods of the Three Realms are invisible!"

When he was about to appear in the Palace of Killing, Ye Meng's childish voice came out.

When the gods heard the words, they hurriedly followed suit.

They don't care what Ye Meng wants to do, they just do it anyway.

In fact, Ye Meng was a person who was afraid of killing the palace. After seeing the gods of the Three Realms, he was frightened directly!

Then, all acknowledge!

In this way, it is naturally not a lively!

Besides, Ye Meng is still preparing to engage in a wave of things in the Palace of Killing, how can such a scene be allowed?


Dogs barked one after another, resounding across the sky.

This is not what the dogs want to do, but to kill the disciples of the temple. After seeing the mountain gate of their own sect, they are excited!

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