Divine Child System

Chapter 2398: you shut up


Dugu was drunk and dumbfounded.

what's going on?

Is the elder too mad?

With a dazed expression on his face, Dugu Zui turned his head and looked at the Supreme Elder Wen Yi.

"Sect Master, you can believe the words of this little beast, it's really annoying old man!"

Upon seeing this, Wen Yi smiled furiously.

When Dugu was drunk, he understood.

Come on, this is Elder Wen Ji, who has started to be stupid intermittently again!

What do I mix in the matter between their father and son?

Dugu Zui shook his head. When he just wanted to talk, Wen Ji on the side yelled again.

"Sect Master, you can't leave it alone, my dad is going to let this kid go, Shihua's hatred, he is not going to avenge it!"

Although Wen Ji is the real power elder, he claims to be the first to kill the inner gate of the palace.

However, having real power does not mean that he must have a high IQ.

Because his elder rights were all passed on to him by Wen Yi.

Therefore, when Wen Yi heard his bluffing, his angry face turned green.

Can he not be angry?

Ye Meng is still there, so bluffing, in case he angers him again!

At that time, the child deprived him of his language ability again, wouldn't it be too late for him to cry?

But Dugu Zui, after hearing Wen Ji's words, was surprised.

Is Wen Shihua's hatred no longer reported?

What is this operation?

"Hey, old man, it seems that no one is listening to you, I originally wanted to negotiate a deal with you!"

While Dugu was drunk in a daze, Ye Meng's voice rang again.

Wen Yi, Dugu Zui, and Wen Ji were all taken aback when they heard the words.

Wen Yi was because he did not expect that Ye Meng would actually negotiate a deal with him, which made him a little flattered!

This kind of feeling, it is almost difficult to understand Ye Meng's prediction of the baby's talent.

But Dugu Zui and Wen Ji both felt as if they had heard the story of the universe, their faces were all incredible.

Isn't this kid talking nonsense?

You are especially the enemy of Killing Shrine. Do you think Killing Shrine will negotiate a deal with you?

"Thank the gods for their favor, the old man can call the shots here!"

"Child, you kill me to kill the disciples of the palace, and you want to negotiate a deal, what do you think of us killing the palace?"

The voices of Wen Yi and Dugu Zui rang at the same time.

As soon as the words were spoken, Wen Yi and Dugu Zui were taken aback.

"Elder Tai, what do you mean?"

Dugu was drunk and dumbfounded, he looked at Wen Yi in surprise, suspicious in his heart.

Could it be that as Wen Ji said, the elders are really convulsed?

"You, shut up!"

Just when Dugu was drunk and suspicious, Ye Meng stretched out his finger to him, and shouted with milk.

The voice fell, and Dugu's drunken lips closed instantly.

This is not just pursing his mouth, but his upper and lower lips have completely overlapped.

In short, Dugu has no mouth!


Dugu Zui was completely stunned!

He desperately wanted to open his mouth, but he couldn't open it anyway!

After just a few breaths, his whole body was sweaty.

No way, I was scared!

Even if Dugu was drunk, as a cultivator during the Tribulation Period, he couldn't keep calm with Ye Meng's unpredictable methods.

After seeing Wen Yi on the side, all the hairs on his body stood up.

This kid is terrible!

Previously, he deprived himself of his language ability and made himself dumb.

And now, he even lost the mouth of the Sect Master directly!

With such a terrible method, Wen Yi really can't describe it in words!

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