Divine Child System

Chapter 2404: Goddamn kid

"Then this Liuxia fruit tree belongs to the baby!"

Ye Meng threw herself in front of the tree, her little hand already touching the Liuxia fruit tree.

Dugu Drunk and Wen Yi behind him saw the situation, their eyes were cracked, and they exclaimed in shock.

"Little ancestor, please be merciful!"

"Don't do it, little fairy!"

Under Dugu drunk and panic, he has already called out his little ancestor.

It can be seen how panic he is at this time.

If this Liuxia fruit tree is eaten, it will be a big one!

However, Ye Meng's next move was beyond the two's expectations.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

"My God, what does he want to do?"

Dugu Zui and Wen Yi were stunned.

They stared blankly, Ye Meng held the Liuxia fruit tree and gently pulled it.

Then, this Liuxia fruit tree was immediately uprooted by him!

At the next moment, his hands seemed to move.

The Liuxia fruit tree suddenly disappeared from his hands.

"Oh, awesome!"

Ye Meng patted her little hand, her face full of joy.

Seeing this scene, Dugu Zui and Wen Yi rolled their eyes and fell down with a grunt.

They both fainted in a hurry.

No way, the Liuxia fruit tree is gone, and they have become sinners of the sect, can they not be angry?

But Ye Meng ignored Dugu Drunk and Wen Yi, who had fainted, and he chewed wildly with joy.

The Liuxia fruit tree is in hand, and the remaining flowers and plants are of no value, so it is better to eat them all.

Well, as a snack food, it is naturally impossible to waste snacks.

Then, the flowers and plants planted in the fairy garden disappeared in rows.

Ye Meng is happy to eat!

In the entire fairy garden, there were at least tens of thousands of exotic flowers and plants, and they all entered Ye Meng's belly.

This time, his mouth was greasy and he was extremely satisfied!

"Are we dead?"

After half a day, Dugu Zui and Wen Yi awakened from the faint, looking at the empty surroundings, they couldn't help thinking like this in their minds.

After a while, they suddenly realized it.

It's not that they died, but that the entire fairy garden was eaten up by Ye Meng!

"God's thief!"

"Return to my fairy garden, oooooo!"

Two heart-piercing roars suddenly resounded through the sky.

The few at the door of the scared murdered the disciples of the palace, shivering.

"Crazy, the Palace Master and the Supreme Elder are crazy!"

Dugu drunk and Wen Yi rushed out in a hurry.

"The kid, where did he go?"

"Quickly, where did he go?"

At this time, Dugu Drunk and Wen Yi had already realized what Ye Meng was talking about!

Since it is called a big meal, can it be considered a big meal if you eat a fairy garden?

Dugu Drunk and Wen Yi didn't believe they were killed, Ye Meng would be merciful.

Sure enough, a few killed the disciples of the palace, stammering in reply.

"Go... to the Refining Pavilion!"

After Dugu Zui and Wen Yi heard them, their hair exploded instantly.

Kill the two treasures of the palace, the fairy garden and the refining pavilion.

Now, the fairy garden has been eaten clean!

Only the refining pavilion is left, if there is something wrong with the refining pavilion.

That Dugu drunk and Wen Yi, I am afraid I can only apologize for killing the ancestors of the palace!

"Quickly, I hope it's too late!"

Dugu Zui and Wen Yi did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly ran towards the Refining Pavilion.

There is nothing to lose in the Refining Pavilion, even if they fear Ye Meng this time, they must stop him.

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