Divine Child System

Chapter 2408: Banten sign

The scene was silent, no one dared to make any noise.

When I was embarrassed, my footsteps suddenly came.

Immediately, a flattering voice entered everyone's ears.

"Little brother, what happened?"

The person who came was naturally Shen Hongye.

As Ye Meng's number one running dog, he knew the difference when he heard the explosion.

So, Shen Hongye took Bao's second child and went straight to the sound.

"Ah, it's old Shen, nothing happened, this baby killed an old bastard!"

Ye Meng replied carelessly upon hearing this.

Hearing what Ye Meng said about killing Pharaoh Ba and so on, Shen Hongye still didn't understand what happened.

Isn't it the **** who killed the shrine and angered the little brother?

Immediately, Shen Hongye showed a flattering look on his face for an instant, and the flattering words in his mouth came out like death!

"It's good, it's great, it's killing the king of the palace!"

"This little brother's action is really doing the way for the sky and responding to people in the sky, wonderful!"

When Ye Meng heard this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, and a satisfied look appeared on his small face.

"Yes, yes, this baby thinks so too!"

Shen Hongye was overjoyed when he heard the words, and the expression on his face became more and more flattering.

"Come here, why are you stupidly doing here?"

"Sing along with the old man, it's good, it's wonderful, it's killing the king of the palace!"

Naturally, Shen Hongye did it intentionally. How could he not know that the people around him were all murderers?

But he just wanted to do this in order to humiliate and kill the people in the palace and please Ye Meng.

When Dugu Zui, Wen Yi and others heard the words, they almost sprayed out a mouthful of old blood!

You smelly old man, flattering just to flatter you, why do you bring us?

I really want to ask you, is your conscience eaten by a dog?

However, with Lao from time to time in front of everyone, he was blown up to death.

Others don't know, but Wen Yi's heart seems to have changed.

At least, he didn't show any irritation anymore.

After a moment of shock, Wen Yi jumped up suddenly.

The next moment, his trembling, hoarse voice rang.

"It's good, it's great, it's killing the king of the palace!"

As soon as these words came out, Dugu Zui and others were petrified instantly!

Oh my God, Elder Wen Yi has turned his back!

No one thought that Wen Yi, as the Supreme Elder, would turn around in public.

He scolded himself!

"Elder Wen, are you crazy?"

Dugu Drunk, who has a good relationship with Wen Yi, stretched out his hand and shouted in a deep voice.

He couldn't bear to look at Wen Yi, so he fell so deeply.

Otherwise, as soon as today's affairs are over, Wen Yi will no longer be an elder, and he may not even be able to save his life.

After all, so many elders in the room have watched them with their own eyes.

With so many of them working together, they can really have the qualifications of the Abolished Palace Master and the contemporary Taishang Elder.

But Wen Yi didn't even hear it, and kept roaring that it was good and wonderful.

"It's not bad, you old man knows how to throw away the dark, this baby is very satisfied!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, he shook his small hand and threw one thing towards Wen Yi.

As soon as he started with things, Wen Yi came back to his senses immediately.

Immediately, he looked down, and his whole person was instantly stunned.

An unbelievable exclamation suddenly came from his mouth!

"Fan Tianyin, this is Fan Tianyin, my God, I am not dreaming!"

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